View Full Version : Asked Before

15-10-05, 05:30
I know I have posted about this before but I just don't get it.

I am not really having PA's anymore since being on meds BUT why am I still feeling some of the symptoms?

For no reason I will get pins and needles in my feet (Mostly my left) than it will go to my hands and up my arms.
I do a good of talking myself out of totally freaking out but why am I still feeling this?

It's driving me crazy. I swear there is something else wrong with me even though the Dr. says there isn't.


15-10-05, 09:02
It could be as simple as poor circulation and maybe finding ways to just move and use your whole body with different exercise thay dont have to hard to do just simple to get you body moving and blood flowing better in a positive way.

15-10-05, 19:58
hi terri

i agree with mum2four - its possibly that its just poor circulation

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just fiding it thats the hard part

15-10-05, 20:51
Meds usually just lower the anxiety - they don't neccessarily take it away completely. I agree with the others that it is probably poor circulation and maybe a bit of exercise will help....I find dancing around the house really stupidly (I'd be mortified if anyone actually saw me I look that daft) helps when I feel anxious

15-10-05, 23:50
Hi Terri
As you know we're on the same meds and it's been about the same length of time for both of us.
I'm still having good and not so good days but in general there is an improvement.
Remember we've both still got a few weeks to go B4 we get the full benefits

Don't believe everything you think.

15-10-05, 23:54
I hate to say it but the meds never gave me any relief from panic symptoms so I had to find another avenue for relief.

Remember - they relieve it they won't cure it.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

16-10-05, 01:12
[quote]I hate to say it but the meds never gave me any relief from panic symptoms so I had to find another avenue for relief.

Remember - they relieve it they won't cure it.


So even though I am NOT having a full blown attack it's not uncommon to still feel symptoms?
If that is the case I can learn to live and deal with that but like I said i swear there is something else wrong with me.

Ugh!!! i hate feeling this way


16-10-05, 03:18
Hi! I had a terrible spate of PA's a couple of years ago - so bad I lost 30 pounds in 32 days... After I finally got them under control, I still felt - and still do - the symptoms, or whatever you would want to call them, to this day. I think that what happens - with me, anyway - is that, when we are prone to having a PA anyway - due to whatever reason (excess stress, relatives, upset tummy - my big one!...) our perception of the symptoms become extremely magnified, and things we usually pretty much ignore are suddenly thrust to the forefront.

I know, since a few weeks ago, I had the first PA I'd had in a year and a half. I also know it was caused by a 24 hour tummy virus, but, at the time, being sick and feeling lousy, my normal defenses were down, and the symptoms that I had been ignoring for so long were suddenly a PA!

After the bug left, things were back to normal... So, I guess the bottom line is - a PA just magnifies what normal people (and us, when we're not in PA mode) have, and just ignore.

Guess that's the big point - with me, anyway. As I've learned to ignore and blow off the twinges that used to cause PA's, I've been able to pretty much move on.

Now, if I could just do it when I'm sick!

PS - Meg, Nic - Hello again! My computer was fouled up. a reformat and reinstallation of everything cured all!

Take care!

It is better to be a free bird than a captive king...

16-10-05, 14:05
Hey Rick !

Lovely to have you back on line.

Well done with that brief Blip


Meg xx