View Full Version : Scared - Ovarian Cancer

01-09-09, 08:41
Hi all I am getting myself in a right state. I have been having stomach problems this last few weeks, I suffer from IBS but its been quite a lot which is unusual as it normally comes and goes..
Anyway I get bloating and seem to go to the toilet more frequently and get stomach pains..well just read the Telegraph as I was throwing it away and it says about Ovarian cancer as the silent killer, and read the symptoms and it saying doctors don't recognise them so people are not diagnosed and its then too late..
It says about distended stomach, stomach pains, change in bowel habits and I am not worrying silly. I don't have back pain, bleeding or loss of appetite in fact have put on too much weight! But its still worrying me.
Can anyone help and put my mind at rest as don't want to dash to the doctors insisting I have cancer now. As they will think me crazy.
I know we shouldn't read these articles but why do they write them if its not true??!!


01-09-09, 13:54
I'm having the same worries as you right now.:sad: Ovarian cancer scares the hell out of me cos there are often no symptoms. I had a blood test last week but I'm too scared to phone up for the results.:weep: If everything is okay I'm thinking of asking the doctor if I can have an hysterectomy then I won't have to worry anymore because my anxiety is sky high thinking about it.:weep:

01-09-09, 14:09
Unfortunately you just described symptoms to like a million types of cancer. I went through the same scares - I am terrifed that I have colon cancer right now - to the point where I actually look at my poo (Gross I know, but I can't help it) - I have to look and see if there is any black/red in it.

To be honest - the chances of either of you having ovarian cancer are slim to none - Last year I thought I was going to die from cervical, uterian or overain cancer - I googled it all the time - drove myself nuts. I went though a few tests as I have a thickening of the uterian lining and my GP wanted to check it out. She wasn't concerned but wanted to make sure nothing was going on. Well, my anxiety kicked into high gear (as it is now) - and before you knew it I had cancer and was going to be gone in 3 months. Well, I didn't have cancer and I am fine! My GP said that in all the years she has been around she has never diagnosed anyone with ovarian, cervical or uterian cancer.

I know what you all are going through - hope this helps just a bit....

02-09-09, 04:23
I had a weird pelvic dull achy pain that radiated down my leg, abdominal fullness/pressure, frequency to urinate...I was freaking. had an ultrasound- normal. Try not to worry!