View Full Version : can bad side effects cause me harm ?

sarah jayne
01-09-09, 09:03
Hi ive been taking citalopram for 2 weeks now and i feel really ill. Ive had a constant headache and im worried sick that it could be doing me some damage. My head feels like its going to explode. Has anyone ever died from side effects ? I suffer from panic attacks but because of these side effects im worse than normal, i cant stop worrying that im going to die. Thanks for reading...x

01-09-09, 18:39
Hi, I am new to this site only joined on friday, I have been having bad panic attacks since January, although i have panic attacks for many years i have never had them like this. I have been on citralopram for the last 6 to 8 weeks, my doctor changed my anti depressants i was on for 3 years to them, during the change over of meds i suffered bad withdrawal and the citralopram the doc put me on was upped after a month, i am now on propranolol as well, nothing is touching these panic attacks and sensations i am having, i feel like i am getting worse, i have had headaches but not constantly, i have whooshing in my ears, a burning sensation through my body and tingling and numbness in my arms and legs, the doctor tells me to stick with it,the meds will kick in eventually, but it just feels so hard, and i like you feel like the symptoms and side affects are going to damage me. I hope this helps you feel less alone.
Take care. Vickimary

01-09-09, 19:10
Hey there ladies,

Isn't it just crappy! I too am on Citalopram and i'm convinced they're making me worse. I'm going to see my therapist tomorrow so I can really explain how I feel on them, and I'll report back asap. We'll get there!!!


01-09-09, 19:44
I too will be back to the docs in the next few days, i will look forward to hearing from you tomorrow! you are right, we will all get there, with support from each other! this site is so valuable.
speak soon xx

01-09-09, 19:52
I couldn't agree more! It's the only place I can truly explain how I feel and not feel like a nutball! And where other people have had the same bizarre/frightening/dreadful experiences which takes the edge off of your own anxiety about your anxiety!!!

Ladies may you dream of butterflies and rainbows!

Speak soon


sarah jayne
02-09-09, 13:05
Im so glad i found this site, its good that im not on my own and can talk to people who know what im going through ;) Im at the doctors again on friday so im hoping he can do something for my headache or i maight have to try some different medication...x:huh: