View Full Version : So Sick and So scared

01-09-09, 10:50
I've had a sick tummy for 3 days with headache and dizzies and this morning i woke up feeling like i was gonna throw up,,,haven't yet.

Something that was really weird is i dreamed that i kept throwing up,,,lol,,,i know it sounds crazy but its true, in my dream no matter where i went or what i did i couldn't stop throwing up

I'm SO afraid!:weep:

I know i'm supposed to post swine flu fears in the swine flu place and i did but that is one thing that does concern me.

It that scares me that i have a horrible appetite and i'm afraid if i don't eat right i will die of malnutrition or something

could be ovarian cancer too thats making me sick since i believe i could have that too,,,i did google it and i have some symptoms, lack of appetite, pain, irregular spotting

So i'm a mess:scared15: Plus, i've been having LOTS of pa's for the past couple days, one right after another. I've been told pa's only last for up to 10 or 15 min........WRONG.....mine have lasted hours and days,,,even single episodes have lasted an hour or more, shaking and everything:weep:

02-09-09, 07:46
I don't know about the cancer thing. I wouldn't think you have that. I have weird dreams all the time .. bizarre . One thing is we live a mile and one half above sea level or 8500 ft. It causes you to have weird dreams and also anxiety does to.

Im sure the throwing up is just part of the anxiety and yes I have had PA's that lasted for hours and maybe sometime days. But you will get past this . It will be ok. We are all in the same boat and we will overcome. Don't you worry about it. Just put your dream behind you and try to forget about it and just try and relax. Everything you mention here is anxiety . Three years ago we moved here in the mountains from Katrina. We were forced to move as our home didn't substain that much damage but we thought it best to. We were tired of hurricanes. We were below sea level there so you can imagine how different it is here. It has taken almost four years to get used to being here ,its like living on another planet but we are getting there. So take heart you will be fine.