View Full Version : Do I have oral thrush?

Arisa Wills
01-09-09, 11:09
Hi! I am new to this board. I have a white coating with red spots at the back of my tongue which is there most of the time. Tried to brush it off and a little comes off too. It does not hurt or burn.

However on some days it is totally gone and then it comes back. I am not sure if this is an oral thrush. I am a little worried about this. Can anyone tell me what this is?

01-09-09, 13:03
Hi Arisa

It certainly sounds like oral thrush but if I were you I would get it checked out to be sure.

If you didn't want to go to the doctor for this I am sure any pharmacist would take a look and they would be able to tell you.
Good Luck

01-09-09, 13:13
Hi! I am new to this board. I have a white coating with red spots at the back of my tongue which is there most of the time. Tried to brush it off and a little comes off too. It does not hurt or burn.

However on some days it is totally gone and then it comes back. I am not sure if this is an oral thrush. I am a little worried about this. Can anyone tell me what this is?

I dont think that it is oral thrush if it doesnt hurt. I have what you describe as well but i think that it is just white film from dry mouth over the top of normal taste buds that maybe get biger sometimes for whatever reason.


02-09-09, 00:49
If it is oral thrush you can go to the pharamcy and get a bottle of Gentian Violet. It will stain your tongue purple and it is YUCKY. It will get rid of the thrush in about a week. They use it on babies here in the states that get thrush. Also, pump your body up with probiotic (acodopholis) so that your good bacteria comes back up. Good luck.

02-09-09, 00:54
try eating organic natural yogurt with probiotics, go to your doctor for a diagnosis.
oh maybe try an antiseptic mouth wash.

Arisa Wills
02-09-09, 03:11
I wonder if this could be due to Vitamin B12 defficiency. From now on I will try taking a pill of B12 a day and see if this goes away.

If not then I will have to see a doctor.

03-09-09, 11:41
Mycostatin can help against Oral Thush too and it tastes good.

07-09-09, 09:42
I wonder if this could be due to Vitamin B12 defficiency. From now on I will try taking a pill of B12 a day and see if this goes away.

If not then I will have to see a doctor.

If the spots you speak of are at the back of your tongue and are positioned in a V shape, they are your tastebuds. Sometimes the first time anyone sees them is when inspecting too far back in their mouth. If you have brushed your tongue and the whiteness does not come off, it is possible it is oral thrush... but this is usually accompanied by a crawling sensation and patches that scrape of on the inside of your cheeks. If you have iron deficiency or B12 deficiency (as I do) it can make your toongue very pale and redder round the edges. A subtle form of glossitis. If untreated it can make your tongue/mouth quite sore and you may also get ulcers etc. Sometimes it can cause geographic tongue, which makes your tongue look like a jigsaw puzzle. This is very consistent with deficiency. I was diagnosed with Iron Deficiency in December last year. I was put on Ferrous Sulphate iron tablets for a month and althought most of my symptoms have improved, i have still been left with a whiteish tongue, raised pink tastebuds and a blue tint to the whites of my eyes. If you are to take a multivitamin, make sure you take one with iron and get a really strong one from a health shop. the rda should be in its thousands. In the meantime, make sure you eat red meat and green veg. Taking natural sugar free live active culture yoghurt (like Yeo Valley) withh fight any oral yeast infection present. A health dose of raw garlic in your food will also act as an antibacterial.

Have you had your blood tested for B12/iron deficiency?

07-09-09, 17:04
Not everything needs to be seen or treated by a doctor...they make so much money off of us! If it is thrush you can treat it naturally by simply taking probiotics....good bacteria...this can be found in pill form or even in pure yogurt.