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View Full Version : coming down with the cold and things getting worse

15-10-05, 07:26
Hi everyone, I have been coughing really bad now for about a fortnight and just put that down to having giving up smoking. It's now all coming to a head and I'm feeling like death warmed up:(. I know it's only the cold but my anxiety symptoms are through the roof! Those pains in my left side are worse than normal and I don't know if any of you remember I had mentioned that a few weeks back I had this really weird feeling of being really warm around my chest area and feeling paniky! well this happend again last night.

I just don't understand how I can be this ill, I have been eating properly since I took ill, I've stopped smoking, increased my fluids, stopped coffee ect. I feel soo bad and all I can take is Paracetomal and Water cause all the cold and flu stuff has caffine in it and I can't have that!

Does anyone have any suggestions? I just can't take feeling like this, especially when rest is out of the question since I have my kids:(.

Thanx for reading and Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

15-10-05, 08:01
Hiya Jammie,
Just read your post . Do you think if you went to the Docs they might give you an antibiotic to help you a bit. The cold could have gone to your chest . Its worth a try eh. Its long time no hear i'm on msn messenger now if you want me its suzanne196285@hotmail.com. Speak soon Suzuki xx

15-10-05, 08:43
I've just been taken ill with the flu and feel absolutely trrible with it at the moment.

You may have a chest infection or it could just be the flu running it's course.
I hope that you are feeling better soon...

Take Care

15-10-05, 22:44
hey jammie,
i totally sympathise with you, have been feeling rubbish myself the last couple of days, and it always makes me panic.
i'm trying to attack it by drinking lots of juices, taking lots of vitamins and just generally taking it a bit easy.
hope you get better soon,
henri x

16-10-05, 19:18
Thanx guys for your replies, I know myself that feeling unwell is bound to make my anxiety worse. But now I'm starting to get some pretty wierd thoughts i.e, I'm getting some pretty bad pains in my left leg and am convincing my self that I am dying of a blood clot!! I know I'm not, or should I say, I'm liking to think that I'm not. I don' t know if this is just all in my head cause my mum's aunt died a couple of weeks ago with a blood clot in her leg that travled to her brain!! Plus the pains in my left side of my chest are getting worse and my breathing is becoming very shallow even though I am doing my exercises.

I'm making an appointment with my doc to go and get my next set of meds this week so will see them about these symptoms. Should I ask them about having some tests done to set my mind at ease? it's just that a couple of peeps have said that their docs have been more than happy to do that for them. or should I wait to see what they offer?

Take Carexx


"Of all the things I've lost I miss my mind the most!"

17-10-05, 04:44
Hi Jammie -
I have been down with a bad cough too. It always seems to make me panic more when I don't feel well. I would say that you should explain all your symptoms to the doc and ask him/her what they think about it. Also the only thing that has made my cough and upper respitory thing to start to go away is that I started taking vitamin c and it seems to have started to clear it up. Just a suggestion :)


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)