View Full Version : wish i didnt read it now

01-09-09, 11:55
Well is so wish i didnt come on here now and read the pins and needles post, there is a post off peachie which confirms my fears she has been diagnosed with ms after years of being told it was anxiety, does anybody know how common this is? im really stressing now and could actually cry, I have almost every ms symptom going and its really stressing me out.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep: :weep:

01-09-09, 12:07
Oh dear you have got yourself in a state haven't you?

What you need to remember for every one person who has MS there are thousands who have the symptoms but not MS. Statistically it is in your favour.

Like you I have had a lot of MS symptoms, but mine really are anxiety as they come and go and chop and change.

By all means pay to have a MRI but you must trust your doctor; why don't you have a good frank discussion with your GP, do they know how upset you are about this?

Try and calm down as you will be making yourself feel worse, can you do something to distract yourself?

Big hugs x

01-09-09, 12:22
Just go to your doctor and sit down and have a good chat!

01-09-09, 12:28
i have been to my doc 5 times in about 11 weeks, so i really cant go again. It seems as soon as 1 symptom goes another one comes along.

01-09-09, 12:33
If your symptoms are coming and going then it is more than likely anxiety and nothing serious. Please try not to stress about it...

01-09-09, 12:44
hun, i too have every ms symptom going honestly. My leg cold thing is getting worse, pins & needles, numbness, twitching & percieved weakness. I to am struggling today big time. We are almost identcal in our fears. YOU ARE OK, ITS JUST ANXIETY!! PM if you want hun but try not to worry xxx:bighug1:

01-09-09, 13:22
Rebbecca Luv

I think that the most important part of peachies post for you ...that i think your anxiety is causing you to filter out is that she said she also has anxiety so that she has double trouble.....so......where does the anxiety stop and the ms start?

It is probably fair to say that any condition that causes adrenaline to flare will cause these symptoms and therefore can be likened to anxiety..... you are frightened of ms ( whether you have it or not!) and so any infomation regarding it is flagged up to you by your mind as relevant to you......its not though.... your anxiety is giving you wrong messages about what you need to know to protect yourself and causing you to personalise stuff about ms when you really are not at any more risk than anyone else with anxiety...... your okay hun... its a scarey post for you because you are sensitised about ms ...but thats all!!


01-09-09, 13:41
i wish i could be as positive as you guys, its just that i have read a few times of people who have been told for years its anx then it does turn out to be ms. I sound like a broken record i know and even the doc is bored of hearing from me, even watching an episode of house last night and guess what they were testing for? all i heard from my hubbie is oh no here we go again another 3 hours of this lol you guys are always so helpful and very patient i know how bored you must be of me now and i do actually try and not post but when you are so worried its hard not to :-(

01-09-09, 13:53
its just that i have read a few times of people who have been told for years its anx then it does turn out to be ms.

But I bet you can't remember the hundreds of posts where it's turned out to be anxiety! As was said earlier, you are focusing on what you fear the most, so that is what you pick up on and remember.

Don't worry about posting on here, it's what this brilliant site is for!

Hugs x

02-09-09, 11:11
I am going to try and be more positive, when i am at work i tend not to really notice anything unless i start dwelling on things. Feel so tired today though and i know that is also a symtom lol

02-09-09, 12:47
Let's be honest here, it's a rare thing that docs are wrong about things, especially this day in age when they are tests available to rule out certain things. Having not read the post in question, I can't comment on her situation, but I can pretty much gurantee the more you worry about it, the worse the symptoms are going to get.

A family friends daughter was diagnosed with MS, but then a short period of time later they were told it wasn't MS afterall it was something else, which they are now in the process of testing for, so not all MS symptoms mean you have MS.

If you are that worried speak to your doctor, you don't have to go in to see him/her, just have a chat to them on the phone, it'll put your mind at rest.

02-09-09, 21:07
Hi hun.
I too have the symptoms of ms and went to the gp's and the hospital because of these symptoms. I had tests and MRI's and they were all clear, but i still have the symptoms. I always look for answers but never find them. I have all these symptoms and no diagnosis except the anxiety, panic, PTSD, etc, etc. Even though i have had lots of tests and seen lots of people in the past my body keeps telling me that something else if wrong with me, it can't JUST be that!! But everything is clear.
I think i keep the worry going!!