View Full Version : does anyone else feel this way

01-09-09, 15:52
I feel real shaky inside, a bit spaced out, scared that i am not getting better.
I have gradually increased my sertraline from 50 mg to 125 mg the last increase was 17 days ago, today I have started to increase to 150 mg, as my psychiatrist said i could.

I do not feel hardly any improvement from 11 weeks ago when i started the increase.:weep:

Can anyone relate to this please, in need of a bit of reassurance as i am really struggling today.


Sue xxx:scared15:

01-09-09, 16:29
Yes yes yes I can relate to your post, Im on Sertraline 150mg (and have been sine June) and to be honest I can see no improvement really, however I also have an ED were I abuse laxatives, therefore I presumed my lack of improvement was most likely down to the laxatives bascially pooping the AD's straight back out before getting chance to get in system.

I do suffer with the spaced out feeling and the shakiness I think this is the anxiety side of things for me personally!!!