View Full Version : I really think I have colon cancer

01-09-09, 15:52
I am a long time sufferer of health anxiety. For years I have had problems with my colon. Bloating, constipation, cramping and flat stools. About two years ago I started taking bulk fiber every morning and that has helped a lot. Lately though, the flat stools have been very frequent (nearly constant) but every once in a while I will have what appears to be a normal shaped and sized stool. Also, I have been having recurring pain in my tailbone that is not related to an injury. The tailbone doesn't hurt when I have a BM. The pain around my tailbone sometimes radiates down to around my anus. Finally, I am experiencing some erectile dysfunction. All these things are scaring the heck out of me. I have convinced myself that this is cancer or MS or something worse. I am barely able to hold it together and I am in need of someone to talk me down. I can't handle this fear anymore. Part of the reason for my panic is that I have been having what appears to be a shift in my symptoms and I can't convince myself that this is all anxiety. Anything new is terrifying and I can't get it under control. Anyone with experience with any of these symptoms please help.

01-09-09, 17:42
Welcome to my world!! Not fun! I totally understand - I have got myself convinced that I have colon cancer as well. The truth of the matter is all of my symptoms can be attributed to anxiety as well. And when I am not thinking about it on one of my good days - my symptoms go away. IBS also has all the same symptoms - :shrug: - well alot of other issues have the same symptoms. My advice - stay off the internet in regards to researching this subject; it does more harm than good. Talk to your GP about your concerns, he or she will be able to tell you if you need further testing and chances are you don't. Chances are it is all anxiety!! Now if I could just get myself to believe that we would all be good! :yesyes:

01-09-09, 17:46
It sounds like irritable bowel syndrome. I had cramping so bad I almost called myself an ambulance. You would seriously put a dog down for less pain. I thought I must have colon or stomach cancer too. I've had full blood tests and ultrasound scan done which all came back normal. Then they told me they put it down to IBS. I thought this was strange though because I only got cramps. You seem to have more symtoms suggesting it. These symtoms are triggered when you're stressed which it sounds like you are. I think you should go to the doctor asap and get tests done to rule anything out. As you've been suffering with these symtoms for years you can pretty much rule out cancer. By now if it was cancer your symptoms would be horrendus i think and you would be passing blood i'm not even sure you would live 'years' with no treatment if you had colon cancer, you would definately know about it by now. I'll just add though for anyone reading this and freaking out... passing blood doesn't necessarily mean you do have cancer... you really should get tests done to put your mind at ease. Also erectile dysfunction can definately be attributed to stress and nothing to do with colon cancer. I can also add these symptoms have nothing to do with MS. MS are long-lasting attacks of pain/numbness.

01-09-09, 17:55
One time I thought I had blood in my stool in some form - there was at least something red. I've actually had this happen on various occasions. Often times it was simply from either eating something red, other times I just had not gone in too long and the stool was so large it had causes a small tear (a fissure). On almost any occasion where I experienced this, I would begin to freak out. I thought for sure I had cancer.

Anyway, I went to the doc for it finally and he had a stool blood test done (I had to collect my own samples! No fun!) but everything came back fine, despite the fact that I panicked about it so much that I probably called the doctor's office like 15 times in one day to see if results had come in. But the results were fine - no blood in the bowels. So for you, given you have IBS and all, I wouldn't worry. But even IF (BIG if) you have colon cancer, the sooner you get it found out the sooner they can take care of it. In fact, when detected early, it's one of the easiest to take care of as I understand it.

01-09-09, 17:56
Does anyone know if IBS can cause pain in the tailbone?

01-09-09, 18:30
It seems to me my mom gets a sore tailbone when she sits for long periods of time - and it isn't anything except not having enough fat in that area to cushion. Have you bruised your tailbone lately? Do you sit for long periods of time? I'm not thinking that a sore tialbone is an indication of cancer....

01-09-09, 18:33
Constipation can cause a pain high up near the tailbone ,Also sitting in the wrong way can cause tail bone pain .When your anxious the muscles and nerves tense up and can lead to bad posture ...Sue x

Cell block H fan
01-09-09, 18:42
I am a long time sufferer of health anxiety. For years I have had problems with my colon. Bloating, constipation, cramping and flat stools. About two years ago I started taking bulk fiber every morning and that has helped a lot. Lately though, the flat stools have been very frequent (nearly constant) but every once in a while I will have what appears to be a normal shaped and sized stool. Also, I have been having recurring pain in my tailbone that is not related to an injury. The tailbone doesn't hurt when I have a BM. The pain around my tailbone sometimes radiates down to around my anus. Finally, I am experiencing some erectile dysfunction. All these things are scaring the heck out of me. I have convinced myself that this is cancer or MS or something worse. I am barely able to hold it together and I am in need of someone to talk me down. I can't handle this fear anymore. Part of the reason for my panic is that I have been having what appears to be a shift in my symptoms and I can't convince myself that this is all anxiety. Anything new is terrifying and I can't get it under control. Anyone with experience with any of these symptoms please help.

Please get a grip. I say this as I went through the same thing years and years ago (15/16 yrs to be precise) I used to read a medical book, family health encyclopedia I guess it was. Bad idea. Every twinge in the coxicks was cancer. Every thing I was experiencing was cancer. I ended up in a right state, on beta blockers & being sent to the hospital to see a specialist. My mind completely exagerated everything. To the point where I was pretty much suicidal! I couldn't ever explain now how completely screwed up my head was at the time about it all.
I had shooting pains in the rectum (classic bad signs according to the book!) I had horrendous stomach cramps. I was seeing blood in the stools. I had pains going down my legs. I was in a bad way.
I was about 22/23 then. I am now 38 & fine!
This is what your mind does to you if you lose the grip!
Stop annalysing your stools, we will see the worst in any shape, size & colour of them if we are looking for something! Have a quick glance, if its brown flush it down!
People read far too much into things. Ive had bouts of the unexplained runs since that episode in my 20's. And this is coming from someone that NEVER had the runs until then, so I literally s**t myself! (pardon the pun) :D But that was years ago too. And there is nothing wrong with me. In that way anyway!
Best thing you can do is like me, have your doc send you to someone you will probably trust, like a consultant specialising in this problem? And then you can truly relax & get on with your life.
Until the next thing comes along of course, which if you're anything like me, will happen lol x

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01-09-09, 20:20
I have to agree with Cell Block - most of my issues are from my own mind and I know it! I think about issues all the time and my stomach goes crazy along with any other symptoms. Do I have colon cancer, slim to none chance! Personally I think with a combination of medication and therapy I CAN over come this and I will. Even on the hardest days you have to tell yourself this is temporary and things WILL get better!

So do you have colon cancer - I highly dobt it. Is it anxiety that is causing your issues - all answers lean towards "YES"!

01-09-09, 20:21
I have to agree with Cell Block - most of my issues are from my own mind and I know it! I think about issues all the time and my stomach goes crazy along with any other symptoms. Do I have colon cancer, slim to none chance! Personally I think with a combination of medication and therapy I CAN over come this and I will. Even on the hardest days you have to tell yourself this is temporary and things WILL get better!

So do you have colon cancer - I highly dobt it. Is it anxiety that is causing your issues - all answers lean towards "YES"!

01-09-09, 21:04
Thanks for the respones and I know I need to get a grip. The problem is I can't. I just feel like I have this beast in my head that is fighting me every day to get out. Even when I feel that I have it in check, I suspect that the beast is wreaking havoc on my subconscious. This repressed emotion is manifesting itself with lack of sleep, impotence and moodiness. At least I hope that is what is causing these symptoms. Anyway, I feel like beaten man today. I hope the erectile dysfunction goes away and I could use some sleep. Thanks

01-09-09, 21:38
I totally get it - I feel the same way! I fell like every day is a fight to move and live. I know there is a way out, I just can't find it right now! We both will someday!!

01-09-09, 22:07
constipation, or IBS in general can cause all sorts of pain. There are 2 sphincters in the anus which control the stuff coming out of the anus. There's times that if your stool is really hard it can make the muscle strain which would give you pain close to your tail bone, i've had this a few times when i've been constipated

29-12-13, 16:07
I also suffer with bowel anxiety I get the flat stools most of the time or number 2 on Bristol stool chart I've had some tests but won't go for colonoscopy I'm to scared ..... It rules my life it really does my doctor won't send me for any CBT I wish he would ..... How old are you