View Full Version : Hi all, I despair.......

01-09-09, 17:48
I've had problems with depression & anxiety since the birth of my son 17 or so years ago. I was eventually diagnosed with low thyroid and treatment helped, especially when I was eventually allowed to take a little more hormone. For years I was addicted to tranquillisers and took 3 years to wean myself off them with help from an internet forum.

During my last flare up of mental health problems I paid for myself to have CBT which was fantastic. I was so sick of the NHS mental health services and ended up crying even before an appointment as it was so hopelessly useless. The CBT so helped me and I found a therapist who I could relate to & he me.

Here I am again with big general anxiety and now depression. Not sure which came first. There seems nothing I can do to keep on an even keel. The trouble is that I don't fit a usual pattern of anxiety. I don't have fears (other than of heights) and I don't get panic attacks or agoraphobia. It's very frustrating as even psichiatrists don't understand it.

Since a large overdose of thyroid hormone a few years back I haven't been able to relax my muscles properly and I've declined until now I can't work, have little energy, get tired very quickly but can't sleep in the day anyway.
As well as this I do have a positive blood test for inflammation. It's been like that since January and there seems no explanation for it. I saw rheumatologist last week and all I get is disgusted looks from them because it must be a mwental health thing.

Anyways. Hi everyone and so sorry we are all suffering.


01-09-09, 20:03
First off...welcome, this is a place where people are so understanding. Everyone has been where you are at least once so we all understand. I am sorry to hear you are feeling so down. I do know that having your hormnes out of whack can cause great disturbances in your body. As far as your doctors are concerned, please do not upset yourself over how they feel. This isnt about them, its bout you. People who get upset with us dont understand why we cant snap out of it. If it was that easy, we would. Take a look around this site and you will find some great people who are willing to listen and offer advice or supprot if they can. Take care...

01-09-09, 21:34
Thanks for the wlecome. I just get so confused as I did have health anxiety which I've more or less put behind me and now the Docs are confusing me with this blood test for inflammation. My Gp was kinda concerned and then the Rheummy wasn't - saying it wasn't reliable. Then after the last test - again abnormal - the GP has called me back in. I just don't know what to think any more.

I suspect they want me to see a shrink but I'm so not sure that it would really help. I get any sode effect going fom the meds so it scares me.

Bubble :weep:

01-09-09, 23:36
Hi Bubble

welcome to the site - it's great for writing out your frustrations!!!! We've all been there and can offer advice , sympathy or both.......

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


Veronica H
02-09-09, 15:53
:welcome: to NMP. Glad that you have found us.
