View Full Version : panic 'attacks' not subsiding, whats wrong with me :S

01-09-09, 17:53
since i got ill when ive tried to go out, or (for the first year) when i did anything all day)
it wasnt so much panic attacks i have
its like a CONSTANT unbearable uncomfortable feeling
occasionally its huge attacks of it, but other than that it really is like a full on panic attack of the feelings for hours on end
so when people say stick it out it will go
what if it doesnt?
because for me
it doesnt
is this why nothings working in getting me better?
am i stuck like this forever?!?!


01-09-09, 20:24

I know it may seem hard to believe but you will not be like this for ever.

Have you talked about this with your GP? There all sorts of ways to help manage these feelings.

01-09-09, 21:00
maybe your getting bad anxiety? I get more anxoety than panic attacks.
if I'm having a bad day I just feel so on edge and jumpy

01-09-09, 22:36
i know i suffer more bad anxiety now than panic attacks, and i dont know whats worse
panic attacks i personally find easier to sooth becuase they disappear after a while, they ALWAYS do, but the anxiety can literally last 24 hours a day sometimes

ive spoke to my gp but nothing has happened with it
i want to try a new med but i duno which ones best

02-09-09, 17:49
I can relate to that "constant unbearable" feeling. It begin in 2006, like a foreboding awful oppressive feeling. These days, it's different. I just don't feel "right" - I feel weak, tingly, heart palpitating, tense, constantly. Occasionally (every day) the feels grow and grow into full blown panic, then taper off, but it almost always seems to be present.

I'm on Lexapro 10mg daily, just started. Wellbutrin put into a panic attack like NO other where I ended up in the ER that I am employed at, absolutely humiliating. I also have some Celexa that I may switch to if the Lexapro doesn't help, and few low dose Klonopins for when I blow my top. I don't know what to do either. I go to university and work, today I filed for a medical leave of absence from work.

Absolutely hate this. I just want to get back to normal.

02-09-09, 19:12
i know i suffer more bad anxiety now than panic attacks, and i dont know whats worse
panic attacks i personally find easier to sooth becuase they disappear after a while, they ALWAYS do, but the anxiety can literally last 24 hours a day sometimes

ive spoke to my gp but nothing has happened with it
i want to try a new med but i duno which ones best

I can fully relate to this - exactly how Im feeling. I'm on day 6 on my ADs and seem be getting worse