View Full Version : Hello ... another newbie!

01-09-09, 18:49
Hi everyone have just found this site and am starting to feel enlightened already as it seems I am not alone!

I have suffered from anxiety/panic disorder for approx the last year, well thats when it was diagnosed but I am starting to think it goes back a lot longer than that. At the time of diagnosis I was put on Citalopram and Propananol(40mg) as my anxiety was affecting my blood pressure. I became pretty reliant on them and took them even when they were not needed.

After feeling a bit better for a while I decided to take myself off of them and all was going well for a while. I have recently been placed into a very stressful situation and my symptoms have come back a lot worse. I feel dizzy very often, which has lead to the fear of fainting, which makes me freak out.

I also seem to have a masive headache all the time which is now starting to make me worry about the possibilities of a brain tumour etc.

I returned to the doctors (before it got really bad) and he wants me to stay off of the anti depressants if possible. I have recently found some of my old Propnanol and am desperately trying to make them last. My doctor has referred me for C.B.T but there is currently a 5 week waiting list.

I would love to hear from other people as I am starting to feel that I am unable to deal with this myself.

Please write back, I would really appreciate it.xxx

01-09-09, 19:19
hiya and welcome to the forum,,hope you find loads of answers to all those questions,,we are a friendly bunch,,so you,ll settle in well :welcome:x

01-09-09, 19:23
Thank You for your response, have had a look through the past posts on the forum and feel a little comforted. This sems like a great site.xx

01-09-09, 21:09
Hiya,dont worry everyone on here is in the same boat as your self,so you are not alone.

01-09-09, 21:52
Hi Lyddi

I took citalopram 2 years ago for depression, and 6 months after I'd weaned off, I took depression again, more severely. I saw a locum who told me to try without ADs as it was just anxiety, but prescribed cipralex only to be taken if it got worse!!!! After 4 weeks I couldn't stand much more so started cipralex. Only then did I go to see my usual GP who said we'd see how cipralex went.......but have been on them 7+ months so am thinking of changing back to citalopram. I made progress on the cipralex after a few months, but have reached a plateau since July started and am only going through the motions and I want to live again!!!!!

Sorry for ranting on - only meant to welcome you to NMP. It's a real life-saver and everyone really cares for one another.....

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


01-09-09, 22:02
Thank You. I know exactly what you mean by going through the motions. I look at everyone else and they seem to have a "normal happy life" and to be honest I am not happy, even though I have so many things to be thankful for such as a wonderful husband and family. And that makes me feel guilty.

I am thinking about asking the doctor if I can go back on Citalopram but there is another part of me which doesnt want to as I have done approx 2 months without them. But then I cant go like this....:huh: