View Full Version : Scared to drink alcohol

01-09-09, 23:17
I was never a big drinker but I haven't touched a drink in 6 months now since I started getting heart scares (alcohol speeds my heart up)

Only thing is I'm going to university soon and I do enjoy the idea of going out and drinking occasionally only I'm scared that it'll either make my heart go crazy or that I'll end up having a really bad panic attack.

Does anyone else have issues with drinking alcohol? And if so is there anyway you can drink without becoming really anxious?

01-09-09, 23:22
Hi, you might be ok with one or 2 drinks but in my experience, drinking to excess always makes me anxious the next day.

I dont think theres an easy fix unfortunately - either you can tolerate alcohol without getting anxious or panicky or you cant - sorry :blush:

01-09-09, 23:27
Hi:D and welcome:welcome:

I drink too due to my job I think but the answer is moderation!!!!!

There are 24 hours in a day....body burns 1 unit of alcohol an hour so try and keep well below that limit!!!!

I still drink too much but have 3 alcohol free days a week

Must add Im not a doctor but have had liver failure and pancreitis due to drinking:whistles:

At one point I was drinking 250 units a week:doh:

Hope this helps

Kaz x x x

01-09-09, 23:27
IF you really want to drink then I would try it at home alone and not when you are out with friends.

There is no reason you have to drink and don't be ashamed to tell people you prefer not to drink. You don't have anything to prove.

Just take it easy ok?

01-09-09, 23:33
Yeah I was thinking about maybe just trying to have a glass of wine one of these evenings just to see how I react. I'm not sure I feel ready to do that yet though.

The idea of getting really drunk doesn't appeal to me at all but it would be nice to be able to get tipsy without getting really panicked.

01-09-09, 23:55
Hi again:D

Some ideas.....

Lemonade with a slice of lemon looks like a gin and tonic

Non alcoholic ginger beer looks like whisky

A coke could be vodka and coke

Dont be pushed into it!!!!

Kaz x:hugs:

01-09-09, 23:55
if you don't want anyone to know you don't drink how about alcohol free lager or ginger ale served in a wine glass?? ....

02-09-09, 04:04
I have a rare condition that im allergic to alcohol. When I was about 18 I drank my first beer, My throat swelled so bad they had to call parametics,

They did some test and found that something about it caused me to swell. Now I can wear alcohol on my body or have it touch my skin but if it goes in my throat I have to get medical help right away. At least you don't have that. It must run in my family , my sister has it and my dad did too.

02-09-09, 12:54
Heya hun, i go to university and it does appear a big alcohol focused thing to do, but seriously you dont need to drink alcohol to have a good time. Unfortuantely for me, i have been known to drink too much too often on nights out, where i am still up in the early hours still drinking! bad times! and the next day im extremely anxious, thats when most of my panic attacks happen.
Definately drink in moderation hun, i think i will be learning that lesson this year. It absolutely fine to enjoy a drink wen u want, or a few...or even now and again go full out on a bottle of wine etc, but i definately agree about the moderation, if anything it will keep the anxiety down at bay while u will still be having a good time....and less of a sore head the next day :)
I had my first panic attack in uni, after a night out of drinking....so thought i was dying because i was aware of how much i drank those last few days, it put me off drinking for a while, and over the summer i think ive been drunk 3 times...and in uni i was drunk 3 times a week! but i feel less anxious now because of it,
Kazzie had a great idea about lemonage n lemon = gin and tonic etc, i might use that one :) have one alcoholic drink, then a non alco, then an alco...see if that works through the night!
Dont worry about uni hun, go there and have a great time...if anything you will be so occupied about meetin new ppl and doing new things u wont notice your anxiety ;) xxx

02-09-09, 21:02
Hi there, i know what you mean, i haven't been able to drink alcohol for about two years. I have tried a Bailey's but couldn't handle it. Too worried about racing heart and it increases my dizziness and anxiety.
I do miss the 'good old days' when i used to have a drink when i was on holiday, but now it just can't be. Well, not for now anyway.
Hoping to get better at some point though.
Nobody should feel like they have to drink, people should only have a 'little drilnk' if they want to, not because they feel pressured into it.

02-09-09, 21:11
University can be a hellish place when it comes to being peer-pressured into drinking, I've gone out with the intention of having one or two drinks and my housemate (who's the most peer-pressurey person in the world, it's honestly easier to just give in) has talked me into getting off my face. I really dislike being drunk. If someone's going to pressure you to drink ,they're probably not worth spending much time with (I don't take my own advice here).Make it clear from the start that you have limits and you won't exceed them. Give it a try at home, in a 'safe' situation first. :) If you find you can't handle it, you don't need alcohol to have fun.

23-09-09, 23:00
I am 28 years old, I started drinking at 16 and loved it, even though i had panic attacks, thenwhen i was about 20 i started getting anxious when i drank and stopped drinking altogether because i am scared of being out of control. I am now getting married and really want to have a drink and enjoy my day so i am starting off having a home made spritzer or shandy, the increasing the amount of alcohol, reducing the lemonade till i have one drink with no lemonade, then go from there, do it at home first before you put yourself in a uncoftable situation. My advise is to take it slowly and trust your body.

24-09-09, 09:59
Hi see how you feel when you get there and you go out, you might feel relaxed and wanting a drink but i wouldnt drink if you feel you have to as you will Be anxious regardless how much alcohol ...i like my drink although now that my anxiety is bad i cant drink too much as the next day myheart goes crazy If i had too many drinks so i try to have a max of two drink and then soft drinks so the next day I feel good ...dont let people pressure you
take care