View Full Version : Scared about Upcoming Flight

02-09-09, 00:40
I have dealt with Anxiety for the last 10 years or so and feel like I have it pretty much under control. I still have my ups and downs, but its all part of the growing process. I have an upcoming trip with 8 friends which requires me to take a 5 hour plane ride, and be away from home for a week. I rarely go on planes because of the fear of an anxiety attack. It is strange because I am not afraid of crashing or anything like that; I am afraid I will panic and not be able to get to a safe place where I can calm down. I get the feeling that I am "stuck" and can't leave when I am on a plane. I have traveled on a plane a handful of times since my first panic attack and this has only happened once, but I fear it will happen again. Does anyone else deal with this, or have any pointers?!

02-09-09, 01:23
I have to fly to the Philippines every so often and its a combined flight of 27 hours. I have found the night before the flight stay up late and get as tired as you can. Bring gum to chew which will relieve tenshion and you will be so tired on the flight that you want even notice panic or anxiety . Hope this helps.

02-09-09, 18:02
I see where your coming from, but I also find myself to be much more anxious when I am overtired. One of the main things that causes me anxiety is lack of sleep. I am already nervous about the jet lag!

02-09-09, 18:21
The most I hours I've spent on a plane is 3 hours and have constantly thought how I can endure a long-haul flight. I have fears of flying aside from fears of having a panic attack inside the plane and not having a safe place to go retreat to. I notice that when I'm in a building I have to get out and ride a cab home. By the time I get home I'm okay but still afraid to go back to the building in case panic attacks again. Anyway, I hope you get through the flight peacefully. I've been thinking of getting a game console the next time I fly, if there's a next time and especially if it's a long haul flight to distract me. It will take a lot I know because I have a very active imagination.

02-09-09, 18:24
Ive got a flight in less than two weeks too ,I do feel like you about not being able to get off and I dont like flying over the sea .I never used to be like this ,,,Im going to take a Diazepam if I feel really anxious ,but I really dont like them as they make me want to go to the loo :blush: I have a good book I started to read ,so will take that for the flight .Also plenty of music to listen too ,including a couple of relaxation tapes .Most planes have paper bags in the seat in front of you ,so if you start to get a bit panicky, breathe in and out using it.. Im sure you will be just fine ,yor friends will be a good distraction as well . .Have a great time .Luv Sue x

03-09-09, 18:30
Thanks for the replies! Another thing to remember is that its very common to be nervous about flying outside of panic attacks. The people next to you may be just as scared as you are. If you get sick or anything its not out of the ordinary on the plane (hence why they have barf bags!). I always get so bent out of shape beforehand but find once I'm on board I actually sort of enjoy flying. Hope its the case this time too!