View Full Version : panic attack ptsd

02-09-09, 01:10
Hi, thought I'd post on here, (hope this is ok).
I introduced myself a couple of weeks ago, with panic attacks brought on by being impailed by the arm on a metal spike for half an hour with no one to help get me off.
I thought I had managed to contain a lot of my panic attack symptoms, but tonight they came back out of the blue.......just woke up bathed in sweat shaking like a leaf with a terrible feeling of impending doom, I feel very frightened......frightened to go back to sleep, and out of control, Never slept a wink last night and the tiredness is building up again.
There's a lot of twitching going on as well which I can't understand.

02-09-09, 01:43
Why are the nights always the worse.

02-09-09, 02:50
Its just anxiety. Your symptoms are classic. No need to worry just try to blank your mind and go back to sleep. Its early here in the U.S and Im wishing I could go to sleep but I won't be sleeping for quite a while. Take care and don't worry .. just try to relax as much as possinle and put everything out of your mind. take care

04-09-09, 09:03
Thank you.

07-09-09, 15:28
That sounds like a horrible thing to have happen! I suspect nights are the worst because we are no longer distracted by daytime activities. An unoccupied anxious mind has often been trouble for me. And when we get scared at night, it seems worse than during the day. Its dark, we're often alone and don't want to bother anyone else's sleep, and its just scarier. Do you keep a journal? It might help you to write down your feelings when you wake with panic. In the morning perhaps you can sort them out and give yourself assurances in writing. Then, if it happens again, you can read what you've written and perhaps it will seem less frightening.

I wish you the best with this and I'm sorry you're going through this.

07-09-09, 17:13
aw that sounds awful you must have been so scared.

since your panic attacks just started they are way easier to cure!
personally i have found after 12 years of anxiety , every time i cure it, it seems to come back with a vengeance!
seriously get some help, like therapy and/or antidepressants. I'm just worried if you try and go alone the panic may get worse.