View Full Version : Why Is My Pulse Rate Always Higher During The Day Hours?

02-09-09, 01:39
Its weird I go to bed and my pulse is usually 72 to 76. I wake and its always 80 plus. No matter how I try I can't get it down. Thus when I get up and move around its even faster.

I always get upset and worry because most of the time during the day hours its 84. I am not sure I should worry or not.

When I eat it gets higher at night for a little while and then goes back down. Is this normal? It seems im just stuck monitoring my pulse every minute I can't seem to get it out of my mind.

Today I went to town and my pulse was beating fast but when I was there it seemed to slow down. To what im not sure. All of a sudden there was a calm that swept over me and I couldn't understand why .

That in itself made me a little anxious but I got home ok and even went outside to walk but the wind was too cold. I took a shower and got out and my pulse is still in the 80's and won't seem to slow down further.

I wish I could just forget my pulse and not worry about it but then I worry what if I do and it gets really high. Im just stuck ,.I wish I could make myself stop worrying

02-09-09, 08:19
Erm ,your pulse gets higher during the day and when you are doing things because you are doing things! Your heart needs to beat faster to get the blood round your body more quickly so your muscle cells get the oxygen they need to move around and let you walk, talk, shop etc!

It's perfectly normal. Regarding it being high and then geting lower, it's probably because as you walk around, you walk off some of the excess adrenaline and so start to calm down.

Try not to worry about it - I know it's hard though!

02-09-09, 09:07
hi there

a normal pulse range for an adult is 60-100 , your pulse changes freqently during the day it is higher in a morning when you wake also at meal times this is normal try not to to tune into it its easier said than done i know because i was obsssed with my pulse but i no longer think about it

sam xx