View Full Version : Do You Ever Have Moments Where You Have No Thoughts?

02-09-09, 03:29
I got kind of worried today. We went to town and was coming home. I was so anxious going but when I got there felt kind of calm.

Im going to the doctor tomorrow and hopefully she will tell me everything is fine. For the last month I have been constantly thinking of nothing but my health.

For a moment I started thinking what did I think about before now? I mean just what thoughts did I have. If im ok tomorrow will I have anything to think about. What has changed so much that my thought patterns are so weird I just don't think about the things I used to.

Now instead of watching tv im sitting there kind of watching and checking my pulse at the sametime. When im on my computer I stop every once and awhile to check my pulse.

I used to have so many interest and would look up everything and anything and now all I do is look up symptoms and briefly read the news not to intense and then im just stuck for something to look up. Am I just losing my mind all together or will i get back to thinking about normal things and getting my interest back? Does anyone else feel this way?

02-09-09, 03:44
Anxiety and/or depression can zap you of any interest in anything. We are so worried about ourselves that if we do try to do something, the mind will always come back to how we are feeling & then we lose interest in what we are doing!

As for not having any thought - we are always thinking..always. If you aren't thinking.........well to be frank you are not here!! Physchologist (sp) told me that many years ago, when I told him I think too much he said "everybody thinks all the time, but you think the wrong thoughts".
