View Full Version : Really Scared of Ovarian Cancer, Ladies only cuz its really kinda gross

02-09-09, 06:08
I'm terrified!!! I think i have ovarian cancer and no one believes me:weep: They think its my anxiety causing all my symptoms but i know its not especially my newest symptom.
I've felt sick in my stomache almost constantly for 3 days and off and on for a month or more.
I don't have the belly cramps now but i have had them, i don't feel bloated now but i have, i'm sick and have trouble eating due to feeling like i'm gonna throw up, i think i've had all the symptoms of ovarian cancer and now the last symptom makes me sure i have it,,,
i thought i was getting my period 4 days ago which would've been when it was supposed to come but all i've been getting is brown stuff, the first day not much at all, second day more thick brown stuff, 3rd day it wasn't as thick but still brown except one time i went to the bathroom and it was a little bit redder but the rest was brown and now today its still brown but lite.
So it makes sense that its ovarian cancer right? I even think back and in the beginning of june i had a positive hcg test and thought i was pregnant then 3 days later the test number went to 1 So it coulda been the ovarian cancer causing the hcg test to go wonkey right?
I'm SO scared,,,i did make an appointment with a gyn for friday but the waiting is HORRIBLE! I don't wanna google because i've googled ovarian cancer before and i found out i had most of the symptoms and the only thing that i relied on is the irregular bleeding that i didn't have at the time but now i do :weep:
Anyone have any experience with ovarian cancer? Can the symptoms come and go(hubby said they wouldn't do that)? Is Nausea a symptom(i'm pretty sure it is)? I need reassurance or i need someone to tell me i need to rush to the hospital now cuz it could be too late. Please help i'm gonna go insane:wacko:

02-09-09, 07:31

I am also scared of having ovarian cancer as being anxious I keep reminding myself that it one of the hardest types of cancer to identify. Though at the same time I understand that if you go and do the necesary examination you will most likely overule it.

I had an ultrosound for the ladies, the one that is done "internally' . This is a horrible xperience, but i think this way they can see pretty everything inside you. The lady told me - wow - your ovaries are the dream of any woman. You can go and have kids any time. I am 32 - have 2 kids already, and i dont plan yet to have more.

Though anxiety can cause very obsessive thinking on these issues, which i believe you are having at the moment as well.

Dont worry too much, rely on the doctors expertise, and dont worry before anything happens.
I also have the same type of discharge during the beginning of my periods very often. And i am sure it is pretty normal. I also get bloated before periods and have bad cramps. But i am sure it is only normal for the time of periods.
Just relax - get patient and trust the tests - doctor and evetrything will be ok.
At the moment you do not have that many reasons to worry.

Take care

02-09-09, 15:37

I dont thankfully have any experience of ovarian cancer but i do have experience of a light, brown period that was not like a period and happened during the peak of my HA . I was soooooooooooooo anxious then that i cant even tell you what i was like because its too emmbarrassing.

It happened when my period was due. It hasnt heppened again because I fell pregnant the month after and so has no period for the nine months and it hasnt happned since my baby was born.....so im thinking it was caused by anxiety upsetting my hormones and yours sound extremely similar!

When you say noone belives you, do you mean your dr? Thats usually a good sign that you are wrong!

Hope your okay hun


05-09-09, 22:58
My mother died of ovarian cancer and in hindsight the symptoms were crystal clear and could not be confused with anxiety. First and foremost, they came, they got steadily worse and never, not once, did they go away and give her any respite. Believe me, if we had it, we'd REALLY know about it.

So if you have anything which is coming and going it's not cancer, it's much more likely to be hormonal or anxiety related. The HGC test is far from reliable in diagnosing ovarian cancer, in as many as 50% of positive tests there are some other reasons and that's why it's not used alone as a diagnostic tool, but rather is taken into account as a whole, along with transvaginal ultrasound and symptoms records. The TV ultrasound is completely painless and no more invasive than a pap smear and in fact a great deal less uncomfortable. Your GP can refer you for this and when you get the all clear on that STOP WORRYING!

All the best

07-09-09, 09:23
I would say personally it is silly to jump to the conclusion it is ovarian cancer or cervical cancer or anything like that. Firstly, the stomach issues could easily be caused by a form of IBS. Many foods cause bloating and cramps and are merely down to intolerance. They can also cause sickness, headaches etc. Another thing worth noting is the brown discharge you speak of. When my periodis not heavy, it mixes with your natural vaginal lubricant that causes it to look brown and thick. It is just old blood. This is common with many women at the end of their period... but with many of us, if our period is light, this is the closest we see to blood throughout menstruating. The discharge more commonly associated with cancer of these areas is extremely offensive smelling with intermittent blood between periods and severe abdominal pain.

When you see your gyn, be open about your fears and concerns as she may be able to reassure you that you have been misinformed about the symptoms. Either this or your anxiety is misinterpreting normal bodily functions for something scarey... which is common amongst us "Health Anxiety" sufferers.

Have you been eating healthily? with a balanced diety of meat and green veg?