View Full Version : Despair about how long being ill..........

02-09-09, 09:51
Claire Weekes says that you should not despair at the time you've been ill...... I was OK this morning until I thought about the fact I've been unwell for a couple of years and now I'm feeling anxious.... Does anyone have any good tips for handling this?

02-09-09, 10:43
Hi Topsy turvy

i have been unwell for over 20 years now, and in that time there has been a lot of downs, but a lot of ups too, i think now i have kinda accepted that anxiety /depression is a part of me, as is my fair skin , blue eyes, and hair that is a pain to mange. ( lol ) I do get times when i think about it all too deeply, and i certainly wish my life didnt have this bit added in, but, there is nothing i can do about it to change that, and i reckon, there are probably worse things that could have happened in my life, that is no easy comfort when you are going through a bad spell i know.The bit i can change is how i choose to handle it, and i try, and sometimes fail, is to try and just take everyday as it comes, obviously the bigger things in life that cause us anxiety are toughter to deal with , but what choice to we have, the choice i believe , is to try and manage the anxiety better, after all
everyone has anxiety, but not every one deals with it in the same way.

I have to work all the time at managing mt anxiety, and sometimes i get a bit stuck, but i am determined that i am going to try and make what i can with my life despite all the obstacles.I think when we look too deeply at things, we create more problems and distress for ourselves.

I currently taking antidepressants,( and have been on them for 20 years), and beta blockers,( for about 16years ) i used to have a problem with not wanting to take them , and wishing so much that i didnt have to, but in the end i accepted that i got a better quality of life with them , than without, but i know that not for everyone.

i dont know if i have helped answer your question or not, i am aware that i have just been rambling on:blush:, but this is my take on things at the mo.

best wishes

P x

02-09-09, 10:56
amazin relpy pollyanna!!! thats me down to a t ! am 11 years in my hairs hard to manage to! if only the anxiety could be blow dried and staightend ha ha:D

02-09-09, 11:52
Try to be with it and accept that you will cope with whatever comes your way - you will feel better. The more positive you can be, the better your day will be.....

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


02-09-09, 11:56

loved your reply about blow drying and straightening the anxiety . :roflmao:

I think i would give it a bad perm or some dodgy colouring.. he he:whistles:

02-09-09, 11:59
Same here 15 years now apart from 3 a while ago but it came back! I think part of the reason i controlled it before is as polly says, i found a place where i could accept that this was me and managed to control it. Also in those 3 years my life was happy and this cant be a coincidence. New girlfriend new start etc. Only last year when we split up, father died lost job and so on did i lose control again and as soon as i thought that way the downward spiral started again! So for the last 8 months ive gone back to the bottom but at least being there the only way is up! Try and keep positive and if you know something in life isnt right change it!!!!
All the very best
Paul x

02-09-09, 12:26
I've just come home and read all your email replies to my post - thank you so much for replying, I really appreciate it and it really helps to know that there are others out there dealing with the same stuff. I think you're all right that acceptance is definitely what I need to work towards - I find it so hard and always catch myself beating myself up for being anxious, which is totally counter productive! Anyway, thanks again for helping - I now feel much more positive about dealing with it.... in fact I've just found a mindfulness course in London which I think I'll sign up to as mindfulness is all about acceptance and compassion, so think it could be good. Ah, so glad I found this forum and finally people I can be honest with rather than trying to hide it all the time which is so tiring. :)

02-09-09, 17:53
EXACTLY! the more u try to hide anxiety the worse it gets,, *normal people* just do not understand i have decided to just be upfront about it and if people cant deal with it then they dont need to be around me am sure facing up to it has to make things better:yesyes:xx