View Full Version : Rash. Worried now.....

02-09-09, 09:57
Hi, I got a rash about 10 days ago. It started out with just a few welts around my chest and stomach but soon spread here, there and everywhere. I started having blue berry smoothies everyday for about 6 days and then I thought it must be them causing the rash so I stopped and took antihistamines. The rash is starting to dry up but I have new spots appearing. Why are they still coming even though Im not eating the berries. Its been over a week now. Im worried now as I googled it ( i know ) and it said that some cancers cause a rash. Has anyone got a rash just from anxiety. Mine vary in size. Some huge and others like dots. Mainly on my torso. :scared15:

02-09-09, 10:57
I don't think its anything too fatal, as you've had it for 10 days and its starting to dry up.

However, I'd have a chat with your doctor anyway, because it may be an allergy to the berries, or to something else. I know that viral rashes are common as well, and can look very alarming but arn't serious, I had a mild one once.

02-09-09, 14:26
I have had a rash like this back in May - it was called Pityriosis rosea - you could try googling that and seeing if it matches what you have...dont worry about it, stress does make your skin do awful things!

02-09-09, 15:06
It could be urticaria, which is like an allergic ash, but often has no known cuase - helpful, eh! It is often stress related and causes sometimes quite large red, itchy welts acros the body. I find Eurax cream helps mine and anthisan.

02-09-09, 23:42
I had this over the summer and it drove me mad. I thought it was honey then vitamins then hormones, then I put on medicated lotion and went into the sun and it not only changed (went from bigger bumps to little ones) but it spread too. I FREAKED! Went to the Dr. and had to get a steroid shot.....the rash went away but that shot caused about 4 other things that freaked me out. No fun! I am sorry.....you just have to let these things take their course. You may want to go to the Dr not because it is major but to get some refief.