View Full Version : Please help so anxious

02-09-09, 11:01
Around 6 weeks ago, i started to taper on my citalopram as I was feeling so well, well i started to go down hill, i then started getting terrible stomach cramps and diarrhea after eating and first thing in the morning it lasted for a few weeks which has now stopped and I am now a bit constipated. My anxiety has gone through the roof, i have had blood tests and they are all normal and they are now referring me for further tests at the hospital. My doctor was reassuring said he wasnt worried but because of the altered bowel habit he was referring me. I have had bowel problems for 17 years and my symptoms are not that different to what I have had in the past so why am I in a panic now. I cant think straight or be rational. I am having panic attacks again over it. i am due to go on holiday on Saturday I have been so excited for so long and now i cant face it. I just want to go away and have a nice time with the children. I so wish i could calm myself down so i could think straight. And realise I am being silly, but I have these terrible thoughts that the tests are going to show something up?

Does it sound like IBS, going from diarrhea to constipation?
The doctor said he thinks it was the tapering of the citalopram that has caused a bout of IBS?
Please help I just want to get myself calm for my holiday so I cna have a well deserved nice break.

02-09-09, 11:49
Try to relax - you will enjoy the holiday.....

A little hug from me to you
to make you smile when you feel blue
to make you happy when you're sad,
to let you know life ain't so bad.
Now I've given a hug to you,
somehow I feel much better too
hugs are better when they're shared.
Hope you have a good day
Thinking of you....


02-09-09, 12:49
It probably is something to do with the citalopram, but he's just being on the safe side to rule out anything untoward, even more so given your history :)

02-09-09, 14:23
I'm on Celexa - and my GP said if I miss a dose don't be surprised if you get flu like symptoms.....she wasn't kidding! I would think it is a combination of lowering your dose suddenly and then the anxiety on top of that.

So lesson learned here people do not lower your dose unless you speak with your GP first as you may have to wean yourself off a bit as not to get the nasty side effects. I know it is so tempting when we are feeling good - but again, we are not the professionals and don't know about the side effects.

02-09-09, 14:30
Thank you for your kind replies. I did consult my doctor about tapering on Citalopram and I followed his advice. It seems I wasnt as ready as I thought i was. so having to start again. :lac:

02-09-09, 15:47

Just wanted to say that apparently the chemical in the brain that those tablets deal with seratonin, is also in the bowel too. I once read an article about how these tablets can help with IBS for that reason.....so makes sense that IBS can flare when you have come off them

Hope your feeling okay


02-09-09, 16:04
wow, Lisa - I didn't know that - I learned something new today!! :yesyes:

02-09-09, 16:10
Lisa thank you, you have just jogged my memory, my doctor said something about that pretty much what you said actually, when i was there last night, i was in such a state I cant remember anything he said. I wish my brain would remember the good stuff he said and not focus on the negatives.