View Full Version : Dizziness again

anxious elephant999
02-09-09, 13:32
Right so yesterday didnt feel as bad so heres me thinking maybe im getting better but oh no the dizziness is back again im so fed up with it ive had it for over a year and it still scares the life out of me , i cant go out anywhere or do anything coz of feeling ill and fear of the dizziness getting so bad that i cant see or stand up , please help i dont know what to do

02-09-09, 13:48
hi, i also have suffered from dizziness but honestly the more you think about it the worse it gets. I was at the docs insisting there was something wrong with my ears, guess what there wasnt and as soon as i left it gradually went away, have you tried taking benadryl? aparantly it helps with dizziness. What has the doc said?

anxious elephant999
02-09-09, 14:13
Hi ive not tried benydral ,ive had so many tests in the last year,2 ecgs,mri brain scan, blood tests for thyroid, anemia,liver,diabetesand hormones , eye test all came back fine ,ive got to go to ent in october .the docs just keep telling me they think its anxiety but i dont think it it ,ive had anxiety for about 13years and never has it made me constantly dizzy like now i just cant see how it can make you dizzy when im not hyperventalating

Thank you:)

02-09-09, 14:36
hi there
yes ive suffered with dizzyness for a while now once it was vertigo and it did go away after taking tabs but i get random dizzy spells now, maybe last for a few weeks than disappear than come again, for me i think it may be hormonal as well as anxiety i know it isnt nice its so awful to feel off balance i hope you feel better soon i shouldnt worry i think for you it is anxiety related.

anxious elephant999
02-09-09, 17:03
Ive had a really bad day im so dizzy and now im very anxious , cant stop crying coz it feels like im going to tip over ,or become that dizzy that i become disorientated, i cant do this anymore , feel like nobody is listening to me , my husband dosnt know what its like hes never had a dizzy spell never mind constant dizziness and he just shouts at me and says what do you want me to do about it or tells me im being stupid or pathetic , my young daughters back at school tomorrow and im dreading that as i have to go with husband to take her coz im too scared to stay at home on my own in case i fall over or die and then i have to spend the day with husband telling me to shut up when i tell him how i feel , i dont know what to do anymore ,if the dizziness is there for life then how do i cope with it

02-09-09, 18:52
you poor thing, is just so awful i know exactlly how you feel, i was like this last year is just terrifiying, you will be ok i promise it does start to go and i know it is had but the more you think about it the worse it seems to be keep strong and dont let it beat you xx

02-09-09, 19:15
hi, ive had these spellls too, after talking to a martial arts expert , he told me it can sometimes just be the nerves in the neck that cause this, take ibruprofen for the inflamation, and also, believe it or not, press the area under the tip of your nose and top lip to instantly relieve the dizzyness, ,... something to do with the meridian lines and pressure points in our face, it worked for me, let me know if it does for you.

02-09-09, 21:06
I know its not easy and I thank you for replying to my post but hyperventilating can cause dizziness. Try breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. I cant take my own advice, I feel like the biggest hypocrite but I know these things help.
Hope you feel better soon x

anxious elephant999
03-09-09, 09:49
Hi but i go dizzy when im not hyperventalating, so how is this ,i feeldizzy all day every day and it makes me feel really ill and anxious ,i cant take this anymore

03-09-09, 10:26
Hey hun, i used to get this, mine only lasted about 3weeks, but must have been the most scariest symptom i had yet... and i got is when not hyperventalating aswell, i found that wen i was walking or even just standing, like i was jumping up and down or swayin side to side ...everythin around me felt like it was moving and i was constantly holding onto something incase i fell. One day it felt like i was about to pass out as the world started caving in type of thing, so quickly sat on the floor incase i fainted.....i can feel ur pain hun, not a pleasant experience atall. Mine would peak when i was in wrk, which was the worst part of it all. I noticed if i went outside for some fresh air, took in a few deep breathes, a bit of positive thinking (hard i knw) and i felt focusing in the far distance on a point whilst doing hese breathes helped. Didnt fully go away at first, but was less severe, then eventually faded out. I hope this symptom passes for you xx

03-09-09, 18:10
There is another thing that may be causing it particles of calcium that fall in the ears...because i thought thats what i had when i actually had vertigo...maybe you should look into this and mention it to your doctor..I know it sounds stupid but you can find some facts about it on the internet. My friend had this problem thats how i know about it. Goodluck I do hope you feel better i also have a husband that is useless when it comes to me feeling unwell I now dont bother him atall with my problems. xxx

03-09-09, 18:43
My dad had those calcium "crystals" in his ear once. He said that he was so dizzy that he would have to hold onto something or fall. My brother-in-law also had it recently. He was extremly dizzy and vomiting constantly. I know that this usually happens in older people and it causes extreme vertigo.

I also agree with the neck thing. I have very tight neck, shoulder and back muscles. I even have this weird pulling down into my right arm. I have been feeling very dizzy and off balance lately. I notice when I was washing dishes last night that I kept getting weird waves of dizziness. I think, for me, that my neck and shoulder problems are contributing to this "off" feeling in my head. It may be that my anxiety also causes my tight muscles, so I guess it's a catch 22.

Does anybody get a off balance, swaying type feeling when they walk into a building, like a church full of people, or grocery store? I feel a little off while walking thru the parking lot, but not too bad, and then when I walk inside I feel off balance, weird in the head, feel like I might keel over or something.

anxious elephant999
03-09-09, 19:09
hi thanx everyone ,i was just wondering if my dizziness could be down to my posture as some of you have mentioned neck and shoulder muscles , i have been so tense for so long that this may be part of the problem but also i have always walked and sat with my shoulders hunched up ( like ive got a hump ) but i dont know im doing it my family are always telling me about it and telling me to sit up straight does anybody think this could also be part of the problem, dont get me wrong i do suffer with bad anxiety and depression but alot of that is because the dizziness scares the hell out of me , it feels like im semi drunk without the happiness, or looking through someone elses glasses , or like my eyes and head dont move at the same rate ,and yes i do get that swaying sensation that ro44 has its a nightmare i just cant do anything normal at the moment because of this , if i could get rid of the dizziness i think i could tackle the anxiety better :huh:

03-09-09, 19:37
I asked my chiropractor if my tight neck and shoulders could be causing the dizziness and he said definitely it could. Have you ever had a massage or had someone rub your neck and shoulder muscles for you? This could definitely have something to do with your dizziness.