View Full Version : Liver/gallbadder anxiety

02-09-09, 14:43
Firstly, I am new to this site. I have suffered (mostly silently) with Health Anxiety for years. I have had days where I have spent most of it Googling my symptoms and crying when the result shows a life threatening illness. I am absolutely petrified of dying and leaving my children. I picture having to tell them I have got cancer. Or that I am out with them and a chest pain means I am going to have a heart attack. I constantly worry about my health and it is taking over my life. Every single symptom I get, whether it be a mouth ulcer or headache, is checked on the internet and misinterpreted. But that doesn't stop me doing it.

Today (and this is a recurring health issue), I have sharp pain in between my shoulder blades. I feel nauseas. I have upper right sided abdominal pain. I just feel like I'm losing it. I know all are related to gall bladder/liver. I have had this before (twice before) and both times ended up in hospital having an ultrasound (both negative). But I am getting symptoms again and they are very bad today. So I have spent all morning on the internet and should have been spending it making my kids happy. I feel guilty, ill, terrified that I am going to collapse with either a gangrene infected gallbladder, a stuck gallstone or even worse, the liver cancer is slowly eating away at me and getting all my other organs. Please help. The pains are real. Does anyone else have these pains?

Can't eat, in pain and can't stop crying.

02-09-09, 15:04
it's far more likely to be acid indigestion/heartburn if yu have had clear ultrasounds. Have you tried taking ranitidine (Zantac)? If you take one of these magic little pills and it gets better (try taking two a day for a few days), bingo. Also try going to the doctor!

claire m
02-09-09, 16:32
hi jenza i could of wrote that post myself as that is how i feel i have suffered with pain around my gallbladder several times and always worried and like you i have had it checked out.
i suffer from ibs and when it flares up i know now i will be tender up in that part of my abdomen too. It also hurts around my back and i use to worry it was my kidneys but i have had it so many times if it was anything serious im sure i would know bye now.
i too have terrible images of what would happen if i got that or i got this and it has taken me to the point of ocd and agorophobia i cant go very far from home at all now because of my fear of falling ill. It is so bad that my doctor has refused to examine me anymore because i was at the surgery every week and phoning them too.
i have been referred to the mental health team and had my first appointment last friday.
maybe this is something you could have a chat with your doctor about.

02-09-09, 17:43
Thank you for your replies. I think a lot of my concerns are also related to the fact I am obese and I am also a binge drinker. (Please, must emphasise that is social drinking and not daily drinking but when I have a drink....I really go for it and have done over many years). I am obsessed by my liver since having raised liver function tests but the dr dismissed it. I hate going to see my dr. I already feel paranoid that they think (know) I'm a hypochondriac as I have been to the hospital so many times in the past with this as well as suspected heart attacks (turned out anxiety attacks), pain in leg that I thought was a dvt .... oh my god the list goes on! I try my hardest to get through it alone and I have good days and bad but when they are bad they affect every part of my life. I live in a vicious circle of comforting myself with food and alcohol then beating myself up for causing the symptoms when I do this.

02-09-09, 17:47
Oh, forgot to mention, I am taking Zantac, have had several medicines in the past for acid indigestion and IBS. I haven't needed any for a few months so stopped but taken 1 today and will try this. In fact I will update this if I feel better in case it helps someone else in a similar situation.

Also Claire M, I have read and reread your reply as that is a real help. You're right. It is in the upper spot that has occured frequently in the past. Now all I need to do is convince myself it is my diagnosed IBS and not something more life threatening. I'm still in a lot of pain so not working yet....!

02-09-09, 18:54

I used to suffer from terrible health anxiety and a course of CBT (cognative behaviour therapy) helped loads

You really must give up Google all it will do is feed your anxiety!!!

If you just have pains I would imagine its anxiety but Im not a doctor

If you are losing weight or have no appetite then maybe see the GP but it really does sound like anxiety to me

Have you tried Kalms or lavender oil or burning scented candles??? Silly little things but they can make you relax

Hope this helps a bit and please LEAVE DR GOOGLE ALONE:lac:

Luv Kaz x

03-09-09, 16:56
Hi Kaz, I very nearly turned to A&E yesterday but really glad I didn't. I have continued taking Zantac. I was feeling a bit better last night so decided to have a small amount of roast chicken to eat and my stomach was in agony. I am quite certain this isn't anxiety. My stomach and pain in between shoulder blades is VERY REAL!!

You are so right about Dr Google. I know it's a ridiculous thing to do...keep checking symptoms and being devastated at the results. I'm sure other people feel the same. They know it's wrong and that Dr Google is adding to the anxiety and yet I feel I have to. It is almost like an addiction. I haven't been on today. Nearly did as my pains have moved further down today and I'm sure it's in the appendix area but I will hold back today because I have made an effort to give the kids a good day and I feel so much better for making them happy! I can't say what I'll be doing tomorrow but one day at a time!! xx

03-09-09, 19:19

Ok it could be awful indegestion(sp) but you can get tabs from GP to sort it

I take 1 Lanzoprozole a day cos my tum makes too much acid and job done!!!

I still dont think its anything serious just annoying and needs sorting!!!

Luv Kaz x:hugs:

03-09-09, 20:54
I just wanted to add that I do have a large gallstone and have had pain on the right side just under my ribcage. I went to my GP a few days ago who is brilliant. He had a feel around and then told me that it could be my gallstone moving around a bit, but if it was anything serious, I would actually be in agony and not able to stand up straight. He also told me that this area is very difficult to diagnose because it is like the spagetti junction of a lot of different organs. I have now started with a cold and chesty cough, so I suspect I have a lower lobe chest infection. I am a smoker, so of course, that worries me.
I'm sure it will be fine - DO NOT GOOGLE, try and relax and go to your GP if you are still worried.
Take care,

04-09-09, 11:05
I have had another bad night in pain. I ate last night, pasta and chicken. I woke in the night in pain. It then caused me chest pain which made me feel panicky and my anxiety just got worse.

I am worried about visiting my dr. What worries me is, if this turns out to be IBS (as it has in the past), what if one day I am really poorly and my Dr knows I have anxiety and just fobs me off with IBS which is what I reckon he does half the time anyway? I could have an underlying disease that he won't refer me for because I have a tendency to complain about trivial problems? This worries me? Everything is worrying me. I have no get up and go today and feel completely drained and depressed.

04-09-09, 21:11

I think you should buy yourself a Claire Weekes book instead of googling.
It's your anxiety that is out of sorts and her books will help a great deal.

You are not on the way out and all the things you describe are so common to anxiety minded people.

Gosh, I used to be "sharp pain between the shoulder blades central" until my doctor proved to me that it was not my heart.