View Full Version : Lump!!

02-09-09, 15:52
I have noticed a slight bump on my forehead, about 2 inches up from my right eyebrow :( it's hard and does not hurt if i put pressure on it, it feels like bone to be honest but it's scaring the s**t out of me :( :(

Does anyone know what this could be? I think i might have had it for a while but I'm not sure.

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02-09-09, 16:08
You know what - my husband has bumps like that all over - right under the skin, and hard....GP says they are fatty cysts and the older you get the more you get. Nothing to be concerned about. So, I bet what you have is somethign like that. Now might I mentioned that my husband could care less about the bumps....but me, oh no, I have to worry about EVERY symptom I have. Why oh why???

02-09-09, 16:09
Thanks for your reply, I'm only 18 tho LOL

02-09-09, 16:45
It's probably just the way your skull is shaped and you never noticed before! skulls are oddly lumpy things. I wouldn't worry about it - if you really are, take a photo and see if you can see it. leave it a month, take another photo and see if it has changed - bet you a) you can't see it and b) it won't change!

02-09-09, 16:57
They call those lumps .Knowledge Bumps .lol They are very common ,but sometimes we dont notice things even tho they may have been there for years . Take care Sue

02-09-09, 17:37
Sounds like a cyst to me. you can get this removed by your GP


02-09-09, 20:03
Sounds like a cyst to me. you can get this removed by your GP


But I thought cysts hurt when you put pressure on them or did i hear wrong?
just feels like bone lol

02-09-09, 20:38
Not if it's a fatty deposit, it'll just feel hard.

02-09-09, 21:14
It could be bone. Your skull has a non-uniform shape, it's full of lumps and bumps. I have small hard lumps on my head. All over my head actually. *Prods around*. Wow, I'm glad I have hair over those lol.

It's probably nothing to worry about.

02-09-09, 21:38
I wouldn't be too worried about it - I bet it either A. Goes away ina few weeks or B. stays exactly the same for the rest of your life (as it might have already been there).

02-09-09, 21:56
Yeah just seems scary considering my other symptoms and my fear of a tumor :(

07-09-09, 09:52
I had something similar to this about 4 months ago. I convinced myself it was something cancerous, which was silly because it was in fact a blind boil that went down a couple days after i stopped prodding it.