View Full Version : Omg I Googled!!!

02-09-09, 17:16
I tried, i knew i shouldn't have, i knew it was a bad idea!!!!!
IT WAS A BAD IDEA!!! Now i know i have it Really! Ovarian cancer:weep:
I know the symptoms now and i have them, the only thing it didn't say is if the symptoms stay or if they can come and go cuz i don't have the bloating right now, i don't have the pain all the time but i can't eat, i'm sick all the time and i'm having irregular bleeding.

I only looked on one website, i didn't keep looking. My hubby told me that googling on .com websites were worse than .org or .gov so i looked at .org and found out that i have it so now how do i plan my funeral?

My dad is not well and i don't know whether to tell him or not, he wouldn't handle it well. I'm not sure what to tell my girls, my 5yr old wont really understand but she has heard of death but doesn't ever expect it to happen to me,,,,, and i know my hubby wont believe me,,,he'll just get mad that i googled and tell me "I TOLD YOU SO" but he will believe me when i get home from the dr on friday:weep:

At least i'm not in denial, some people go through that,,,i just have intense fear which is probably worse. Somes people say its not a death sentence but the statistics are Not good, 1 in 67 women will get it and 15,000 out of 30,000 will die, thats at least half WILL die.

Not sure how to keep sane through all this, my anxiety can't handle it:weep:

02-09-09, 17:33
The bloating with ovarian cancer doesnt go away ,nor does the pain .Lots of minor conditions can cause irregular bleeding .The appetite and sickness is more than likely ,caused by anxiety . Please stop convincing yourself its cancer ....Your dr will put your mind at ease ,its probably hormones ,it ususally is .And STOP GOOGLING .....lUV Sue x

02-09-09, 17:36
Hello panicagain,

Please stay away from google, because it is adding fuel to your anxiety. Statistics are interesting, and I advise you to turn them around. 1 out of 67 equates to 1.5 percent - in other words 98.5 women will NOT get ovarian cancer - the chances are slim. I know you are extremely wound up, and it is difficult for you to keep a perspective, but please believe the symptoms you are experiencing could be attributable to so many other reasons.

02-09-09, 17:37

ovarian cancer is so hard to diagnose specifically because it has so vague symptoms that can be caused by many other things.

You say that you're not always bloated and sore but you have been... well everyone has been!! Whoever you ask they will tell you that they have felt bloated or had stomach cramps a couple of times the past few months, these things come and go, especially if you are anxious.
And the nausea thing - this can be caused by so many things I can't even start listing them except for one - ANXIETY.
Same goes for irregular bleeding, I have it all the time!

02-09-09, 18:59
STOP THE GOOGLING!! The symptoms you have can be attributed to a million other issues - anxiety being one of them. May I ask how old you are? The reason I ask is that when I turned 39 (I am now 41) my body just went out of wack - high anxiety and periods that were all over the place; sometimes I get one monthly sometimes I don't. I went through a bunch of tests back in January as I thought I was dying of overian/uterian/cervical (just choose one) cancer. My GP tried to tell me it just happenes (strange periods) sometimes, can be attributed to stress and/or anxiety or a simple polyp in the uertian lining. So DO NOT panic if they want you to have an ultra sound - not a big deal! All my tests came out fine - My body is just starting to go through the change of life and I am going to have to live with it. The wonders of being a women I guess....

02-09-09, 19:25
Please Stop Googleing It Allways Tells You The Worst....... Please Stop Xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

02-09-09, 19:26
I know this is hard to believe right now, but it is very unlikely you have ovarian cancer and much more likely you have anxiety, as the symptoms come and go. Even if they didn't, its statistically more likely to be anxiety and/or IBS.

How does that quote go.."you don't have to believe everything you think". I read a case study once of a women stricken with anxiety and depression, so much so that she was convinced she was dying of cancer, instructing lawyers as to her will and even getting family members to "break it to her children" that she was going to die. It was all, literally, in her head. its not IMPOSSIBLE that you have a disease, but anxiety can have a tremendous hold on you and cause some really weird, seemingly unrelated symptoms. Sitting here and recalling: facial numbness, body numbness, stomach problems, burning tongue, shortness of breath, metallic taste in mouth, backache, poor digestion...

02-09-09, 20:20
May I ask how old you are?

sure,,,i'm soon to be 38 in jan.

02-09-09, 20:28
HI! Well don't be surprised at all if your GP tells you you are starting the very beginings of Perimenopause....sometimes ladies start in their early to late 30's....like I said I started when I was 39....your body may be starting to change...