View Full Version : Weird Chest Feelings

02-09-09, 17:19
Does anyone on here constantly have weird chest feelings and constantly thinking about your heart? If so what do you do about it? also im always pulse checking its really annoying me and scares me! I will take any suggestions. OH and i have had 3 ECGs 2 chest x-rays and all fine.


02-09-09, 17:32
I constantly have pulpatations due to the medication im on and is a common side affect. Could this be the problem your getting? Its nasty feeling like your heart is a second away from just blowing up and out of your rib cage. Sometimes when I have a pupatation, I can feel the blood trying to force its way through my neck and it can make me a bit dizzy. Its not fun and i can sometimes get pulpatations one after another with a space of just a few seconds, and sometimes I can go a whole day without even noticing one.

I no its tough, but you just have to get on with your day and try to ignor it. If it is pulpatations and its really upsetting you, speak to your doctor and see if they'll change your medication - I am of course just presuming you are on medication, if not im just blabbing! lol!

hope that helps somewhat!


02-09-09, 17:54
Thank you for your reply saphire_laila. Im not on any medication and i dont get a huge amount of palpitations but i do get them and they are exactly how you describe them
Sometimes when I have a pupatation, I can feel the blood trying to force its way through my neck and it can make me a bit dizzy. Its not fun and i can sometimes get pulpatations one after another with a space of just a few seconds, and sometimes I can go a whole day without even noticing one.

That is what it is like for me. What meds are you on if you dont mind me asking and are your palps anxiety related as well as side affects?


02-09-09, 18:13
hi iv been geting chest props for ages now one day pain in center of chest next fees like im holding my breath and im not iv had ecg and lung test chest x ray next wk im off for a mri scan on heart i allways put every thing down to my heart so i know how u feel iv just started runing again after 20 yrs i find u just have to get on with it not easy though

02-09-09, 19:30
I do the pulse checking also and it doesnt help at all. Stimulants like caffeine can increase pulse as can anxiety, and it naturally slows down at rest. Last few weeks I have been total convinced about my heart and that I am havin heart attacks in spite of bein at docs. I have been told I am somatizing and all my symptoms arise from that. I know its frightening to be experiencing what you are but please try cut down on checking your pulse I know its making me more anxious than ever.
I know we get convinced and that's our anxiety playing with our minds.

Take care
Janni x

02-09-09, 19:45
Hi Janni

have you had tests done on your heart? it is so hard not to check my pulse now it has become an addiction and its tough to stop. I just hate this cycle im in. I know it makes it worse cos i am constantly aware of my heart.


02-09-09, 19:58

Distraction! That's the name of the game.
Try not to check the pulse and focus on other things. Also remind yourself that all your medical checks have come back fine.

You will soon get out of this cycle of fear.

02-09-09, 21:02
I had one ECG done nearly a year ago. I am so convinced something is wrong that I am trying to get my doctor to send me to a Cardiologist and have a stress test and scan. I am hoping he will do so because without testing right now I'm going to lose my mind because of this checking and having symptoms that are most likely caused by anxiety but it doesnt feel like they are and thats what matters. I can get so worked up that my heart behaves oddly in turn creating more anxiety and its a very vicious circle. I have GP tomorrow and its sad to think I m sitting here desperate for tomorrow to come :(
The person to post last is right though, distraction is best if you are able. Right now I'm not calm enough to distract myself. I'm sure anxiety is the basis even in the midst of thinking something is wrong so you hang on in there it will get better x

02-09-09, 22:26
Im sure everything is fine with you and i know how hard it is to believe anxiety can do this to us. That is my one wish is to get out of this cycle of fear that something is wrong.

05-09-09, 15:30
Hi james.

I can't remember what meds im on atm lol! but, it is a very common side affect with any anti depressant anyway. I tend to find after Ive been on one med for a while it can just stop. I was on citalopram for 6 months and it stopped after a couple of months of being on them. I started a new med a week ago now and it has started again. but like i said, you have to ignor it or you'll just go mad!

I think it can be a side affect of anxiety, deffo! I mean, if you are depressed anyway you tend to be anxious. so i think its a bit of both really.

You just have to remember, your ill - as bad as it sounds - but, YOU ARE GOING TO GET BETTER!! you must remember this. The more you panic, the worse it will get. so just try and relax m8! I play my playstation and spend time with my wife to relax. Do things you enjoy! You only live once!!!!

again, i hope this has helped you somewhat!!
