View Full Version : For those of you not sure if your symptoms are anxiety or something else....

02-09-09, 19:08
I have to tell you all, I broker down and took a Xanax pill this morning. I couldn't stand it any more - my GP prescribed me a light dose to take when I was having a bad day. As this medication is addictive I only take it when I am really bad. Well, I needed to give my body a break from all the stress and anxiety - I was not eating, I was ready to cry, not accomplishing anything at work, ready to throw up half the time, worried about going to the bathroom (colon cancer worries, will there be blood this time)....so I took the Xanax along with my regular medication....

So right now I can't tell you how good I feel. No stomach ache, I ate breakfast as wall as lunch and am looking forward to dinner! Although I still think about the colon cancer, it is not taking up everysecond of the day...I am productive at work ....my point is that the symptoms that I have attributed to having colon cancer are really in my brain and as soon as I took something to help the symptoms went away!

So YES - it is true that anxiety can wreck havec on your body, brain and well being!! Everytime you say to yourself is this really the anxiety doing this to me - the chances are the answer is YES! I'm not saying a pill can fix everything - I can't take Xanax for ever (well, if my GP would let me I would) - but for the next day or two I am giving myself and my system a break. I need and deserve it!!

02-09-09, 21:18
I wish I had your courage. My GP has suggested xanax several times but I am so scared of getting addicted. Congrats on feeling better.

02-09-09, 21:36
Okay - it is wearing off now and I should take another one - but I will be going home soon, so I am going to try not to!

Personally - I am thinking if I get addicted and have to take it for the rest of my life - I don't care! At least Iw ould feel better! My GP would never allow that to happen though - and nor would I. But part of me could care less...

03-09-09, 12:22
i have to say i think the addiction thing with xanax is overblown. i've been taking them for years and it's all about keeping yourself in check and following the advice of your doctor. some people take them consistently - i take them 'as needed.' my doc gives me 30 pills a month and basically if i feel a panic coming on, i try to do what i can to relax naturally, and when that absolutely fails or i'm in a total state, i take one or two depending on what i need. then sometimes i go weeks without taking them, some weeks i'll take them every day - it's just a matter of being able to monitor your intake AND more importantly not just relying on popping pills. i am taking them in addition to starting CBT so i'll hope to take them less and less, but frankly, my mom has taken them for 30 years and she is fine in managing them.. sometimes you just need help if you are acute and as long as you're trying other methods for your anxiety and being monitored by a health professional, i shouldn't get too worked up about the whole addiction thing.

03-09-09, 12:25
THAT SAID - it's a serious issue and if you aren't good with managing meds then don't try - but with us HA anxers, we tend to worry about everything including something like being addicted to xanax when really we are so careful and monitor our bodies so closely it's almost like we'd be vigilant enough (in most cases) to know what's right and work carefully with our doctors. rather than someone else who might just inhale them for the the hell of it. IMO.

03-09-09, 12:41
Hi, I loved your post. I am considering getting medication as I really do need a break from my health anxiety. I want to be in control not my HA. Enjoy your peace of mind. :yesyes:

03-09-09, 13:27

I just wanted to add that i took diazepam ( think thats uk name) for a while when my anxiety was really intense. I didnt want to either but I ended up at out of hours doc becuase was so distraught and they kind of made me take some before she spoke to me. It really did help to calm me right down that night and so i realised that it wasnt going to harm me. After that i took it when i was really distraught and i found that over quite a short time i didnt take it again. I havent taken it for seven months and dont plan to again.

What it did was give me breathing space and a chance to remember not feeling anxious and functioning more normally. Its like it remined my brain of how to be calm. Being HA suferer i dont want to be on tablets and just want to be fit and healthy and happy so my goal was to feel like I did when on the tablets but with out them ..if you know what I mean.

I think its that desire to be happy and healthy that comes with HA that is different from some conditions that might make a person inclined to become addicted to these tablets

Im glad you had a glimspe at normality and hope that it strives you to replicate this without the tablets over time as well

03-09-09, 16:39
Today is a little different - I felt like I slept much better - even though I woke up at my usual 4:00am (I don't usually get up until 6:15am) - I was able to go back to sleep for a bit - which I usually just toss and turn and start thinking. I still have the "runs" (sorry to be gross, but I do)....not running to the bathroom just everything seems to be running through me. Being as I have had terrible anxiety for about two weeks, I guess it will take a while for my body to get back to a normal pace.

I did take another Xanax today - although I did NOT take a second dose yesterday. I am only doing one does in the AM. And I am eating Breakfst, Lunch and Dinner which is a HUGE improvement!!

My feeling is about Xanax - there are going to be times I need a break, I plan on taking it for one more day - and then taking on the long weekend (I have Monday off of work). We shall see!!

03-09-09, 17:08
I know what you guys mean about the xanax. I am so afraid however that I will get addicted or that it will have some long term effect on my brain. The other day I went to the chiropractor. I get one treatment and then go back one hour later for another. (strange, i know). Anyway, I was SO ANXIOUS during the first treatment. It was horrible. When I left for the hour (my son goes with me as he gets treatments too, I have been feeling too "off in my head to drive, so he drives) I thought "why did I feel so anxious?, I come here every week!" THIS IS RIDICULOUS FOR ME TO FEEL THIS WAY! Anyway, I popped a .25 mg xanax under my tongue. We went to eat and within 15 minutes or so I could feel the anxiety melting away. I felt almost normal, I felt SO MUCH BETTER! I did have some anxiety for the second treatment, but was SO much better. I try just to take the .25 mg 2 or 3 days a week. I am tempted to take them everyday just so I can get out and go to town, shop, go out to eat, etc. I am just afraid that I'll get addicted and that I will have to start taking higher doses.

Do you think I will get addicted taking .25 everyday? My doctor actually prescribed .5, but I break them in half and only take .25. However, sometimes I feel like maybe I need the whole pill. What dosages do you guys take? What if I took .25 in the a.m and another .25 in the afternoon? Would that be too much? If I did that for say 3 days in a row and then didn't take any for several days, would I be alright? I've heard about people having seizures withdrawing from this drug. Anybody know?


03-09-09, 17:18
HI! I take either .25 or .50 of Xanax (I can take it up to three times a day if need be). I usually only take it when I feel the need....I have taken it for 3-4 days in a row and had no issues with not taking it for a while after that.

So on the days I need it - I usually take .50 in the AM and that is usually all I take. Always talk to your GP if you have any concerns - that is what they are there for!!

03-09-09, 17:21
Another question:

I have taken .25 when driving which seems to help. Do you drive when taking it and have you ever driven after taking .5? I wonder, because I know if I don't break them in half and take the whole tablet, (.5) I get pretty sleepy.