View Full Version : Exercise?

02-09-09, 20:50
Was just wondering,
How long after exercising does it normally take for the endorphins (spelling?) to kick in and make you feel good?

straight away?
An hour after?
5 hours after?


02-09-09, 21:19
Straight away for me

expecto patronum
02-09-09, 23:46
straight away, but it also works by burning off some of the excess adrenaline that you produce when you are anxious.

02-09-09, 23:51
right away for me too. Makes a huge difference to my anxiety and mood.

03-09-09, 00:19
Whta kind of exercise helps? i know it sounds daft...i dont see going for a long walk helping as you can have time thinking about your problems? and im rubbish at going for jogs, have tried it, but it bores me and dont run far b4 i stop 2 catch my breathe lol! and suggestions on fun exercise to do for non-sporty people? xx

04-09-09, 00:18

It's different for everyone but basically any type of exercise that gets you slightly out of breath or feeling a bit warm is doing you good. Just don't over do things to start with and build up gradually - it does not have to be marathon stuff. One of the best all rounders is swimming because it is non load bearing and excellent cardio vascular exercise