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17-10-05, 07:30

Am I the only person who worries about things on the news ?

When I was pregnant with my daughter 7 years ago, I worried thru my whole pregnancy because we were going to war with Araq.

When the twin towers went down I cried and worried.

When London was Bomed I did panic alot because we were only there the week before it happened and it made me think.

When the petrol crisis started I worried about getting food for my kids and started buying more tins of food to store away.

Our local water here in Hampshire supplied contaminated water a few weeks ago with 100+ people effected, so I purchased a water filter.

Now they talking about this BIRD FLU and how it can kill 50'000 in the uk alone. My hubby doesnt believe it yet im worried about it already and thinking about purchasing masks incase it hits the uk.



17-10-05, 08:40
hi mirry believe me your not alone . i dont watch the news at all anymore. i wont buy a newspaper because i worry about the things that they say .i think its because we worry and panic over things ,that we are so sensitive to things we hear and see, you are not alone with this one . mazzx

17-10-05, 10:05
well i can be put on this list too
i got in such a state after 9/11 and also the london bombings i cried all day in fact i think that might have contributed to bringing my anxiety back, i was reasonable good then, i worry if i here a tragic death story that i will be next ie my sons teachers brother died before the summer suddenly and that played on my mind for weeks and i feel so selfish cos i worry about it for me at the moment i think i have a brain tumor so you are not alone
take care and buy glossy mags not newspapers

17-10-05, 10:21
Hi Mirry!

You are definitely not the only person who worries about things on the news but it is how you handle those worries once they are inside your head. I'm not sure what the percentage is exactly but a very high percentage of things we worry about NEVER HAPPEN!! Unfortunately, reporting on positive things does not sell newspapers and people are naturally drawn to negative stories on the news. Mazz has got the right idea; don't buy newspapers and turn off the news when it comes on, put some nice music on:D
I heard a quote once 'he who fears he will suffer, already suffers from his fears' and it is really true. I know its easy for me to say, but try and think about all the good things that go on in life. Chase the negative things out of your mind as much as you can! [OK]

Jem xxx

april tones
17-10-05, 12:12
hi , i have started thread like this a sim like you! im so scared. its in generla health anxiety, called bird flu xxx


17-10-05, 13:00
Don't worry Mirry No your not alone.

I get scared to. I don't watch it that much as very busy with work lately. Just as well though cause I'd only worry. It seem to be what us anxiety sufferes are good at![Sigh...]

Take Care,

Love PIP'S X X

17-10-05, 13:52
I don't get worried or anxious by watching the News, I just find it really depressing so I choose not to watch it.

Think it is worth remembering that only the negative and sensationalist side of the story is told most of the time because that's what makes headlines. Normal day to day stuff wouldn't be considered interesting enough to warrant coverage.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

17-10-05, 14:43
Hi there,
I don't let the news worry me - i let more important things scare me like shopping!!!! Seriously though obviously everybody worries about different things, the twin towers and the london bombings made me cry - it didn't scare me as such (although i live in london) it was just absolutely devasting for everyone involved. I try so hard not to let this type of thing from stopping me or my family from a 'normal' life. 3 out of 4 of my children still travel on the underground, they have to, to go to work/college. take care xxxxxxx