View Full Version : Sick of being afraid!!!

02-09-09, 21:01
I'm sick & tired of being afraid. I know we all are:blush:

I just needed to have a moan as am having a bad bad time tonight, have chest tension (I assume it's tension) & just want to lose the fear. Without fear & can LIVE:)

Not really much of a moan is it??!!

I would love hypnotherapy but can't afford it, neither can I get there (wherever that is)!:shrug: :shrug: :shrug:


02-09-09, 21:28
Hiya Els

You moan all you want hun, you know there is always someone here to listen.

And yes, that is chest tension nothing more sinister, after your sad loss of Lady it's not surprising that the muscles are tense..give yourself time Els and allow yourself some self-pity.
I don't have HA but do suffer from panics and agoraphobia, I have admired you for getting out from time to time and always enjoy your posts about your excursions..it all sounds so familiar, right down to the godawful queue in the post office!
Don't give up on yourself hun, just realise that you may have some unwanted "sypmtoms" at the moment. Recognise them for what they are and don't let them beat you down.


02-09-09, 21:41
Great advice ladybird!! You know I wish we could all feel "normal" for a while! Wouldn't that be nice?? I'm with you I wish for just a short time I wasn't afraid of my health!!

02-09-09, 21:45
me too. i hate always worrying and cant imagine how im going to stop :( i like the fact i have found this site it is some reassurance at least..but i still always think too much and that is what gets me in a panic. i dont kno how to top it!

02-09-09, 23:05
Hi Els

Sorry to hear you are having a bad time today. It the pits anxiety.

I had a weird feeling in my chest tonight too. Felt tight, slightly breathless. I had some unexpected visitors tonight, they are really good friends but the way i am at the moment (anxiety and depression) I felt i wasn't going to cope and started the "what ifs". What if i have to leave the room, what if i panic etc.

But i did cope, and enjoyed most of the evening, they have now gone and its just me, my husband and NMP lol!!

So i guess what i am saying is anxiety / fear does produce these horrible symtoms.

Please don't think you are alone with this Els, in the short time i have been on this website i have concluded that people out there do care and understand. So moan all you like if it helps.

Take care

Love Sue xxxx:bighug1:

02-09-09, 23:27
The only way to overcome the fear is to face it Els and head on.

You have to want to get better and want to get out there or it will never work I am afraid.

If you have the motivation and the need/want to do it you can.

Small steps and you will get there but you have to make those steps - no-one can do them for you.