View Full Version : Kicking popping sensations all over abdomen

02-09-09, 22:08
I am assuming this is gas bubbles bursting or something - its not painful like a baby kicking or your eyelid twitching and it can be anywhere from waist down to bikini line - sometimes its like a rush of bubbles popping or a fizzing sensation and at other times like a big kick. I have had it on and off for 4 days now.
I have recently moved house and been under extreme stress - I am now living where I dont' know anyone although still seeing my old friends as not moved too far from them but far enough to feel I don't belong anywhere. I have wonderful husband who has put up with so much off me with my severe health anxiety.
I had a colonoscopy just over a year ago that was totally normal and have had episodes over last 3 years of weird abdominal sensations and pains that have lasted months then gone away for months.
I also have bad spine problems and after endless tests - the colonsocpy plus mri of spine I was told it could be IBS possibly triggered by nerve damage in spine as whenever I get the weird abdominal sensations I also get bad back ache as well and leg pain.
I know the kicking popping sensations are quite common and wondered what anyone else thought or any advice. I was wondering if a change of water could upset bowels??

02-09-09, 22:20
Hi. I often get trapped wind that I compare to a baby's foot sticking out and then going back in! (I've had 2 kids). And the 'popping' description is also something that sounds very familiar. I was diagnosed with IBS after a colonoscopy a few years ago, so I put it all down to gas! (I think we crossed paths a while back discussing tinnitus & tmj?!)

claire m
02-09-09, 22:26
sounds like trapped wind. thats what i get try peppermint tea and peppermint capsules they reallt do help with ibs and wind.

03-09-09, 00:54
I can tell you for SURE that it is trapped gas. The other day I had this sensation all day. It drove me crazy! I was worried that something was breaking inside or I had internal bleeding...you name it, I thought of it. The following day the gas let loose. My partner almost made me sleep on the couch. :D I tried some exercises that pushed gas out. Here is a good one:

Lie flat on your back and exhale. Pull your right knee all the way up to your chest and hold it there for a few seconds. Repeat with the left. Keep doing that for a bit then get up and walk around. It gets things movin a bit.

Claire is right Peppermint does wonders too!

03-09-09, 01:21
Social Tool is right - trapped wind...happens t me every so often. Nothing to worry about!

07-09-09, 09:49
Try making a food diary to rule out food intolerance.

Write down daily every food and drink you eat and at what time. The write down any sensations you experienced and at what time... this way, after a week or so, you can see if there is any corrrelation between a certain food and a certain symptom. With some foods, for example if I eat raw carrot, because of the cross reaction when digesting, it results about an hour later in intense stomach cramps and a headache. You never know, it could be something as simple as this.