View Full Version : Thought i was doing a good thing,,,,,NOT!!! I'm sure y'all are gettin tired of me

02-09-09, 23:09
Sorry but i'm terrified! Those of you that have read my posts today are surely getting tired of hearing from me but i did something that i thought would be ok,,,i was sickly, thought i was gonna throw up for 4 days so earlier i started to feel better so i looked on a website for ovarian cancer survivors which i thought was good cuz at least i wasn't looking for doom and gloom but i found it cuz i finally had myself convinced that if my symptoms were serious they would not go away. Well alot of those women on the website have had symptoms on and off for years that finally ended in the diagnosis of ovarian cancer:scared15: They ignored some of the symptoms for along time. AND some of the symptoms are just like mine:weep:
Some women were in their 20's:ohmy: and one key thing that terrifies me is alot of them like me have not had a gynocologist appt for years:weep: I'm SO stupid for doing that but now it doesn't even matter.
I'm now thinking that when i had the pain from my kidney stone it was actually ovarian cancer but i just happened to have a kidney stone and they blamed the stone on the pain:weep:

02-09-09, 23:16
We can all find some illness that explains our symptoms and I guess we are not going to convince you otherwise so maybe try a different approach.

So what if you have it? It can be treated if found early on and the prognosis is good.

Get checked out by doc and get tests done

Stop googling and looking for something to be wrong.

Stop wasting your life on something that will probably never ever happen.

Accept that what will be will be and if you get it you will deal with it then

02-09-09, 23:20
Hello, stop looking up ovarian cancer! The internet = bad for health anxiety! Even the survivors websites will have stuff that will set you off, it's best to stay well away. Your symptoms could be so many things, caused by ibs, even just from anxiety, and when you're focusing on something all the time it does honestly make it feel worse. I know it's hard to put your mind to something else when you're so scared, (I'm having a minor freak out myself right now and even though I'm doing something else there it is in the back of my mind) but if you occupy yourself with something totally non HA related, do everything you can to keep it out of your mind, then you will start to feel better. It doesn't make the worry go away but it does give you a bit of respite...

You say you haven't seen a gynacologist in years, would a visit to one put your mind at rest? Would you be able to trust them when they told you there was nothing wrong?

Did they give you an ultrasound when you had a kidney stone? With it all being in roughly the same area they should have been able to see your overies too I think, they would notice if there was something wrong.

I know it's hard but try to put it out of your mind, and maybe get a professional opinion if you think it would help.

02-09-09, 23:23
Sorry, i'm really not trying to find something wrong, i've actually been trying to find something to tell me its not cancer.
I guess i'm having a harder time than i thought to wait for this appt.
I hate this,,,I'm SO Sorry
Imagine my poor hubby hasta deal with this all the time:weep:

02-09-09, 23:25
Don't be sorry but accept you have HA and will always over react about things.

Your body will tell you when it is REALLY ill trust me - I know.

02-09-09, 23:27
Hello, stop looking up ovarian cancer! The internet = bad for health anxiety! Even the survivors websites will have stuff that will set you off, it's best to stay well away. Your symptoms could be so many things, caused by ibs, even just from anxiety, and when you're focusing on something all the time it does honestly make it feel worse. I know it's hard to put your mind to something else when you're so scared, (I'm having a minor freak out myself right now and even though I'm doing something else there it is in the back of my mind) but if you occupy yourself with something totally non HA related, do everything you can to keep it out of your mind, then you will start to feel better. It doesn't make the worry go away but it does give you a bit of respite...

You say you haven't seen a gynacologist in years, would a visit to one put your mind at rest? Would you be able to trust them when they told you there was nothing wrong?

Did they give you an ultrasound when you had a kidney stone? With it all being in roughly the same area they should have been able to see your overies too I think, they would notice if there was something wrong.

I know it's hard but try to put it out of your mind, and maybe get a professional opinion if you think it would help.

Not sure if seeing my gynacologist will ease my mind IF he would happen to tell me i'm ok. I hope it will, but friday seems so far away.
When i had my kidney stone they did a catscan without that injectable stuff so i don't think they woulda been able to see something wrong

02-09-09, 23:33
Don't be sorry but accept you have HA and will always over react about things.

Your body will tell you when it is REALLY ill trust me - I know.

I do accept i have HA and i also accept that i will over react which i often do but i guess this is one time that i feel everything falls together in perfect order and i'm just scared and can't find any calm.

I am sorry that i'm like this, i tell my hubby that all the time cuz he hates to hear the same kinda stuff. I just get desperate to get reassurance but i know no one can tell me for sure.

This HA is so Evil

02-09-09, 23:33
I'm sure he'll tell you that you're ok, then it's just whether you can trust that or not. I tell myself doctors are highly trained professionals, they've studied for years, they know about these things better than I do, etc, it seems to work most of the time.

Best of luck for Friday, I'm sure you will be fine.

03-09-09, 01:18
HI!! Deep breaths - calm down! Believe me when you have HA like all of us on this forum you will find ways to make your symptoms fit into what ever you are worried about. And Friday is not that far away - only one day - you can make it!! And you will be fine!! I know reading all this makes you feel better for about a minute and then you are right back to an anxiety high ....been there done that. The truth is, only you can calm yourself down. And you can post here as often as you want/need. We aren't going to get sick of you - we understand! You are going to be fine!!!!