View Full Version : Now I'm worried I have diabetes...

02-09-09, 23:17
For the past couple of days I have suffered from a very nasty pain in the left side of my head. It feels like a sharp, stabbing pain, and I can feel my vein there throbbing pain.

This has been accompanied with a horrible cramping feeling in my stomach.

However, I have been eating rather little since Sunday, as I was away from the house and staying with a friend.

Today I am back home, and I have been eating quite a lot, but no matter how much I eat, the feeling of hunger doesn't seem to go away for very long at all.

I hear this is a common symptom of diabetes, along with the forementioned headaches and cramps...an unlikely possibility, as as far as I am aware, I do not know of anybody in my family that has the condition...

Is this just my stomach making up for the lost food, or could I have an underlying problem?

I'm such a stupid worrier... :(

02-09-09, 23:20
Diabetes can be checked with a simple blood test so get that done and stop the worrying.

I haven't heard of those being symptoms before though

02-09-09, 23:24
Diabetes can be checked with a simple blood test so get that done and stop the worrying.

I haven't heard of those being symptoms before though

Hmmm, if I get that worried I'll consider it. Thanks for your reply.

02-09-09, 23:29
If you haven't eaten much or drunk water since Sunday your poor body is going to let you know big time!

It is telling you it needs hydrating and food lol

02-09-09, 23:34
If you haven't eaten much or drunk water since Sunday your poor body is going to let you know big time!

It is telling you it needs hydrating and food lol

Heh, yeah, stupid of me to have neglected eating, so the explaination does fit. However as usual, my imagination got carried away with me ^_^

03-09-09, 12:17
those aren't diabetes symptoms, just keep hydrated so you don't feel those things

03-09-09, 12:18
wow that was the least helpful post ever - sorry i am jetlagged!

03-09-09, 19:38

Im diabetic and lead a perfectly normal life

The symptoms you describe are not those of diabetes

If you go to a lloyds pharmacy they will test you....a finger prick test thats all

Sounds to me like you just need to eat and drink properly!!!

Kaz x

03-09-09, 22:32
I'm diabetic (type 2) and have never really had those symptoms. My condition is controlled by diet alone, but if I don't eat regularly I get as ratty as hell!! :mad:

04-09-09, 04:24
Hi! If you are female (not sure because of your name lol) I get all those symptoms right before my period. Headaches, cramping, and eating everything in sight. If you are a male... here's something to ease your mind. I had gestational diabetes when I was pregnant with my daughter. My sugar would go through the roof, and I never felt that way. I'd feel sick to my stomach, and really energetic, and shaky. Never got a headache, cramps or a hungry feeling. I'm really hoping you are a woman, so you can ease your mind a little about it being the monthly thing. :roflmao:


04-09-09, 04:36
who told you its a symptom dont me it was dr google