View Full Version : Went To The Doctor Today :-(

03-09-09, 03:31
I went for my regular checkup. I was so tense I was almost starting to halucinate. My blood pressure was sky high and the nurse that took it made sure that I knew it was and then when the doctor came in she also made a statement three times to let me know.,

I was freaking out . I felt as though I was going to pass out. She asked me the reason for my visit and I told her for refil of meds. She also asked me if there was any concerns and I told her yes. I had in my mind my heart was bad.

She checked me over and over and said I don't hear anything wrong and your heart is fine, but just for your benefit Im going to give you an ekg. I freaked out It took her 20 minutes to calm me enough to get me to take it.

I had to lay still and be quite and when I laid down I felt as though I was going to pass out. They did the ekg and all was perfect she said.

A couple of years ago I had a mumur but it was stress from Katrina and it went away a year ago. She said if I had still had it she was going to do an echo but she didn't hear anything wrong.

I told her about my missed heartbeats and she said that unless there were 20 in a row there was no worries. Then I asked her about the sound that my heart makes, being as I CAN HEAR it. and she said something about venturicle something but said it was benign. Also I thought that I had Pulsative Tinnitus and she said NO you don't you have something called
torturous or something like that. Its when you get older and your veins start splitting up like veracose veins and they wind up around your ear drums and makes it easy for you to hear your heart.

Also I ask her about why my pulse was beating faster in the morning and she aid it was because I smoked. She wants me to quit smoking and she changed my beta blocker three times higher dose to compensate for high blood pressure in case it was high all the time.

She looked for damage from high blood pressure and said she couldn't find any but it didn't mean I didn't have high blood pressure.

Now that my BP reading was so high im scared it might still be high. If it was dangerously high she would have probably have given me something in the office as far as medication ???? RIght?

She wanted to do some blood work and the tech was gone for the day so I have to go back first thing in the morning. GREAT now I have to go again and freak out. Overall I was there in the offiice for over two hours and its about five hours later now and im still sick to my stomach and feeling bad.

Im somewhat relieved but then I am worried about the BP . But im exhausted. I can't believe I have to go back in the morning. I hope I can make it without freaking.

Since there were no blood test today im still not sure that everything is ok.
I just feel scared and worried.

03-09-09, 14:37
Glad you got some answers from your doctor. Regarding your blood pressure, you may just have "white coat hypertension". EVERYTIME I go to the doctor my blood pressure is always high. Mine is high because I'm so anxious. I bought a blood pressure monitor at Wal Mart so I can take it at home. When I do, it is always normal. You might think about buying one so you can take yours at home and see if it is high when you are relaxed. I think it is irresponsible of doctors to assume that someone has high blood pressure and put them on meds when it could possibly only be high because of anxiety. Taking it at home for a while will tell you if it is really high all the time.


03-09-09, 14:54
Please dont stress yourself, when you are anxious your blood pressure can rise as much as ten points. That is when you can feel your heart beating in your ears it is rushing at a faster pace. I also smoke and feel the rushing sensation you are talking about in the morning. I quit for awhile and I can tell the difference now. If the saw anything wrong on the EKG or on your pressure they wouldnt have let you go home. Have your blood taken and breathe deep. Doctors have a way about them that most dont consider anxiety when examining someone. High blood pressure is scary, but in your case I think it was anxiety that caused it. Not having answers when you need them or feeling like they are not telling you everything only adds to the fear and anxiety. Take care it will be all good for you.

19-11-09, 04:46
Thank you both so very much. The blood pressure meds she put me on made me so very tired and cold. I felt very badly . I decided to cut them in half but then it just stopped me from feeling tired. I still get out of breath somewhat but my biggest problem is im starting to experience ED. Im not sure its just having the beejeebees scared out of me or if its the higher dose of meds. I called the doctor yesterday and today finally got the nurse that I told that I preferred going back down to my regular dose of meds and monitoring my readings at home. She never called me back but we called back and my wife actually had to get ugly with the person answering the phone to be able to talk to the nurse ,then she told not ask the nurse what she wanted as far as the regular meds and that we would monitor at home.

My wife and I are not people to be ugly with anyone but my wife felt it necessary . I guess it was true because they jumped and got things done and got my new prescription called in and told me to please inform them an average every week of three of my readings . My wife agreed but she wasn't happy with them and very frustrated that they wouldn't even make a return call to answer a question about a prescribed med. Anyway I am going to do what you both recommended because for sure I have white coat syndrome and also that day it was really over the wall ,thats why I can't understand their assurance that they were positive I had really high blood pressure. If I did how come no 24 hour monitor or telling me to go right to the hospital or even giving me right then something for the pressure ,or even taking it a second time to see if I had calmed down. None of it made sense. Now I have been so scared that I can't even have sex, I keep thinking im going to have a heart attack.Its not been a really good time for me but thank GOD you guys have a heart to respond to me and say "hey don't worry about it".. Thank you and God bless you both

19-11-09, 05:09
The "ventricle" thing you remember was probably PVC, premature ventricular contraction. They are harmless and pretty ordinary. Almost everyone has them at some point and don't even know it. Us anxiety sufferers only notice it because we are hyper aware of our symptoms. Don't even worry about it.

20-11-09, 02:04
Im just not sure. I know the premature Ventricular Contraction , its something ventricle but its not that. I do experience pvc's have all my life so I don't worry so much about them but I do hear this thing in my heart and she said for what its worth it was ventricle something and benign .. and it was something Im hearing not feeling.. but thanks anyway I appreciate it.. Michael