View Full Version : Are heavy limbs symptom of panic/anxiety?

03-09-09, 08:49
I've been suffering panic/anxiety for 2 months. I've not had a very good few last days, and last night i got up to go to the bathroom and as i was walking along my whole body felt really heavy, as if it was going to shut down, This of course set me off panicking and I'm having an awful time this morning, thinking I had a mini stroke or have ms (Ms is uppermost in my mind at the mo as I heard of friend of mine who has it has deteriorated, and also reading the thread on here from someone who thought their symptoms were anxiety but it turned out to be ms). Does anyone else get heavy limbs during times of panic? I usually just feel lightheaded (again a possible symptom of ms)? I am so sick of this. I know you are supposed to learn not to fear the symptoms but I'm finding it impossible at the moment, and have convinced myself it's something more serious. I just know I'm going to spend the day crying and panicking now.

03-09-09, 15:44
i feel realli heavy in the mornings because i wake up usually n a panic, its down as one of the symtoms on this page anyway, and if u havent been feeling great then its deffo more than likley anxiety, dont think negative thoughts about it being something else, this is gna make u feel worse and enhance ur symptoms. try nd do alot of activity and realli distract urself and ule notice that when u werent thinking about it, u were feeling fine.

03-09-09, 17:02
Hi, just thought I'd let you know I get that too. My arms in particular become very heavy and I convince myself it's the start of a stroke. I also am lightheaded very frequently. These symptoms are extremely common in sufferers of anxiety. I have experienced these symptoms for many years and when I go through them these days I still struggle to convince myself it's anxiety! The problem is, I get that dragging, heavy limbs feeling even when I don't feel anxious and these symptoms end up making me anxious so it's a vicious circle. x

03-09-09, 17:37
Hello all,

I experience heavy legs and heavy head. This is definitely anxiety, and as hard as it is, we must try and distract ourselves until we forget about it.

Take care all.x

03-09-09, 17:45
My legs get heavy. Once, I was on my way home when a sudden downpour left people stranded. I started panicking. I was soaked already and my drenched jeans are weighing my legs as if having heavy legs from panic attacks weren't enough. I rode a bus just to get me off the streets--I was so afraid I would pass out in the street and be taken advantage of by pedestrians...not that passing out in the bus would spare me from ill-meaning people. I'm just happy to have survived that episode. But it had left me with great fear of traveling alone now.

03-09-09, 19:22
Thank you everyone for your replies, you have helped me a lot. I didn't look at the symptoms section as I'd end up getting ones I didn't know about previously!

Miss Manic Panic
08-05-10, 14:22
@ Sedalia

Don't worry sweetie..that is perfectly normal.Infact I have just had to come home from town now because my limbs suddenly wen all heavy and I got lightheaded.As you know this increases your anxiety aking the problem worse.If it happens just lay down for a bit and take a rest.Dont forget anxiety is very draining on the body so it does take its toll.It is a perfectly normal symptom.

For all of you....anxiety's ugly cousin depression also causes heavy limbs and extreme tiredness so if you find the heavy feeling is present when you wake up or its lasting for days/weeks/months on end then you need to see your G.P especially if its coupled with low mood/loss gain of appetite/loss of hope and in extreme cases suicidal thoughts.

I have anxiety disorder and also experience bouts of depression.This is the 3rd time in my life Im battling with anxiety and I know how scary it is..so feel free to message me if this is all new to you. I can help xx

Take Care,


08-05-10, 18:16
Oh yes I get this symptom & I hate it, my legs & head get so heavy & then I feel as if I am walking on a boat & the floor feels like it is coming up to meet my really heavy legs. Totally fed up of all these symptoms now, just wish I was back to my old self :weep:

Miss Manic Panic
08-05-10, 20:59
Hi Bex,

I feel that way too sometimes and find it very upsetting. Dont despair..there are several ways you can combat this. When you feel your limbs are heavy..what colour would you imagine the heavy tired feeling to be ( for me its a sluggish brown colour)..then try and imagine your legs are bathed in a different colour that you associate with feelings of being springy and light..( for me this is an icy blue).This sends a message to your brain that can combat the heavy feeling. Also just resting often helps..and make sure your getting enough food and vitamins so you keep up your energy levels.

Your not alone :)

12-10-13, 12:20
Hey, I've definitely had this before too. I met my girlfriends parents the other night at a restaurant and straight away I thought my body was going to just shut down. I almost couldn't pick up the glass of water in front of me. It was terrible. . It did pass though. I think its very common.

14-01-15, 17:34
Hello All,
I finally found a place where I am not feeling alone and wonder if I could also find peace with myself. In fact, since I have experienced "out of blue" an heart attack feel like episode a year ago.. I have been since then scared about my health.. which I understand from my GP that it was a panic attack. well I said fair enough, it has triggered a problem to my sight and i was diagnosed with convergence defficiency, which I got fixed and felt fine for a few weeks...
After I came back from holidays, 1st back to work my body felt that heavy like I would never be able to go any further walking, it would shut down (legs feel like 50 kgs each, like I was carrying a 100kg bagpack on my shoulders, abs cramps... this feeling would stop after relaxing at home but get back as soon as I go out even doing things I always love doing.. Now I have been recommended to take some rest and have some Xanax which has worked on me for a few weeks but the symptoms are back..
I am near the depression.. I have an healthy lifestyle, stopped drinking, smoking.. do sports.. it is draining all my energy. My girlfriend is now tired of me complaining

I though I would share this here to see if anyone has faced this kind of problem and how you got out of this nightmare.

Peace !