View Full Version : advice needed pls

03-09-09, 12:16
This is my third time of suffering with anxiety and panic attacks and i can honestly say this is the worst i have ever had them. Getting through each day is a major achievement at them moment as i think to myself that is 1 more day ive survived, just wondering if anyone out there suffers with the same feelings xx

03-09-09, 18:50
Hi there Panic girl,I am sorry that your panic attacks are so bad. I can relate to you as I go through times when my anxiety & panic attacks are really high.I struggle daily to pass through & overcome these feelings & often feel battle weary. Just remember that they will subside eventually. You are kt alone.....

03-09-09, 19:27
I know exactly what you mean, yesterday was hell, I'm just trying to get through each day till hopefully the ADs kick in at the mo.