View Full Version : I was wondering how long after starting ad's before you noticed an improvement

03-09-09, 14:54
Hi Everyone

I have been increasing my ad's for 11 weeks now, but I am still experiencing the following.

Feelings of "can't cope"
Disturbed sleep
Disturbed appetite
Don't want to be on my own
Intrusive thoughts
Low mood (especially mornings)

Other people experiences would be much appreciated please.

As I am worrying that I am not getting better. Help... reassurance please.



03-09-09, 14:57
If you have been taking them for 11 weeks and havent felt any improvement, it might be time to change them. Most ad's work within a 5 week period. It might not be strong enough or it might not be the right one for you. Call your doctor and let them know whats going on and that you still feel the same. Take care.

freudian nightmare
03-09-09, 21:27
Hello sue.b,
I am having very similar symptoms to you and sympathise with your frustration at not feeling better quicker than you would like, it's a horrible way to feel. I agree with previous thread, i was initially given prozac and told they could take a few weeks to start taking effect, although other ad's probably differ. I wouldn't think they should take quite so long so they may need changing or increasing slightly. Best wishes and take care x

03-09-09, 21:39
Thank you both for your replies. I managed to speak with my psychiatrist this afternoon and explained to him how i was still feeling. He thinks i may not be on a high enough dose of my ad. I had this 13 years ago and had to go up to 150 mg for a while, he thinks this may be the dose i need to reach this time.

I only increased to 150 mg 2 days ago so he has suggested staying with it for another 2-3 weeks.

So fingers crossed, i might see some improvement.

It is a frustrating isn't it, I find depression/anxiety/panic effects every part of my life. I would just be nice to feel like my old self for a few hours.

Anyway i am going on a bit.:blush:

Hope you are both having a better day.


Sue xxx

04-09-09, 18:25
If you've only just increased your dose, you should stick with it for a month unless you have a really good reason not to!! It took 2-3 weeks before citalopram started to lift my mood and 6 weeks before the benefits really started to show.

Inositol can deal with all the symptoms you listed and won't give you adverse side effects. Check with a pharmacist that it's ok for you to take inositol and give it a try.

04-09-09, 20:40
Thank you for the advice Physopoet, I will speak with the pharmacist, i had never heard on inositol until i join NMP a week or so ago.

I will stick with the Sertraline as well for another 3 weeks. Hopefully the new dose will do the trick.

Thanks again.
