View Full Version : the weather

03-09-09, 16:40
makes me feel even more depressed, seeing my garden and all my hard work battered by unseasonal summers, it makes me feel what is the point
this country is ridiculous :weep: surely it can't rain anymore? can it?

03-09-09, 17:14
Its pretty disheartning when you ve spent time and money only for the bad weather to batter all your plants .Mine have also been attacked by snails again ..yuck .Still whats done is done I suppose .I think we are in for a lot of wind during the next few days ,perhaps you could pop some of your baskets somewhere out of the wind ,it will help any further damage .Ive given up on mine .It will soon be time to get the garden ready for winter flowering anyway ...Sorry you feel so fed up ,I know how much your garden means to you .. Hugs Sue :hugs:

magpie girl
03-09-09, 17:59
I love spring and i love autum but summer makes me feel utterly uncomfortable and i dred it every year!!!!! its not the actual sun i hate but the warm muggy weather,it sends my anxiety through the roof.But i have to agree with the you the rain has ruined all my hanging baskets and tubs,my garden looks really sad and unloved:weep: :weep: :weep:

03-09-09, 18:40
its also the fact that everything is just sodden now isn't it, the lawn you can here it sqelch as you walk accross it, luckily (touch wood) my baskets have stood up well to the battering, maybe because they are soo huge to start with, think plant nearly whacked postman this morning :roflmao:
i hate the fact that we have made everything nice yet never get to go out much and enjoy or use our new garden furniture
the part i like however is no screaming kids, teenagers messing around, no banging footballs etc and i can hide indoors in my room :blush:

03-09-09, 21:09
As a gardener I agree so much with what's been said.What with the rain, wind, record numbers of slugs and snails gardening has been particularly challenging and when we did have a sunny dry spell I've never seen so many cabbage moths causing so much damage in the veg patch. On a more positive note the beans and courgettes have never been better!!

19-09-09, 19:42
Yeah-I hate autumn/winter and the clouds. Really reflects in my mood.

Tangerine Man
19-09-09, 21:26
rain and winds, oh what here there has been no rain for ages and I have resorted to cutting back day lillies, geraniums etc.
Still there will be another year so take heart and plan for spring with a few bulbs to lift your spirits when the clounds are dark and grey