View Full Version : My first CT scan

03-09-09, 17:34
Hi all.
I have my first CT scan approaching fast - Monday 7th Sept.
This is because of headaches I've been suffering with for about four months. Mainly in one spot, right temple area. The specialist who I saw last week has suggested I have an 'over-active' brain and that the problem could be vascular (?). He prescribed a low dosage beta-blocker and booked me in for the scan.
I then went and proved him right in a way by having a panic attack in his office. "Lay on the floor, " he said. "With your feet on the chair" Jeeeeeez I felt a numpty :blush:
Anyway, the anxiety about the CT scan is getting very bad. It's GIVING me headaches I swear!
I'm rubbish with anything medical so am worrying about the actual scan, as well as the possible outcome. In my mind I'm already on my death-bed :weep:
PLEASE, can someone attempt to put my mind at ease?
I should also say, for the record, that I've been on Citalopram (20mg) for about 17 months now.
Many many thanks for reading this.

03-09-09, 17:55
Never had one - but know plenty of people who have. I don't think the scan itself is that big of a deal. So has anything new been going on in your life over the past 4 months? Have you had any major changes? Has your anxiety been high??? Have the headaces been constant or do they fade and come back?

03-09-09, 19:01
In retrospect my anxiety levels have been higher. Work has been busy and more stressful than usual.
The headaches fade and comeback. Painkillers mostly help, but I don't want to be taking them all the time.
I suppose I'm scared that the scan will show growths/tumours/one of those brain worms from Star Trek II etc.

03-09-09, 19:50
I highly dobt you have a tumor of any sorts - sounds to me like you have headaches that are caused by stress/anxiety! My bet is that your CT scan will come out clean! They really aren't doing the CT scan because they think you have a tumor - they are doing it to get a better look and more than likely confirm your Dr's thoughts. If they had thought you had any type of a tumor they would have had you in and scanned already! I know this is easier said then done - but try to stay calm!!

04-09-09, 00:05
all the best with the scan i am sure it will be fine.
i myself have been having headaches for months and am going to see a neurologist about them. probably just too much stress though as always!

let us know how you get on

04-09-09, 18:53
Thanks everyone. Feeling a bit calmer today. Been out and got some of that fabled fresh air everyone's been telling me about. I will of course let you know. Thanks again. This forum is fab!

05-09-09, 03:22
I have a CT scan soon as well, my doctor put me down for an "URGENT" one due to the constant headaches over a week ago but I've still not got a date.
This is due to eye problems and headaches. I was worried about brain tumours but the doc said that it would usually show in their neuro observations they do by looking into your eyes and making you do the touch your nose with your finger exercises.
It may sound obvious or silly but a lot of the time it can be due to not drinking enough fluids.

sarah jayne
05-09-09, 09:00
Ive had constant headaches for a while now and am really worried about them so im looking forward to seeing how you get on. Good luck and i hope you feel better soon !
Sarah xx

05-09-09, 22:48
I've had a CT scan and it's absolutely nothing to worry about. You literally just lie on a comfy couch and the machine, which is sort of shaped like an arch, is passed over the area to be scanned. There is no feeling of claustrophobia, you aren't "shut in" at all and it's totally painless - just like an x-ray which is effectively what it is but in a more sophisticated way.

I agree with other posts, they are scanning you to put your mind at ease. There are loads of observational tests they can perform which would give your doctor a very clear indication of whether there was any kind of growth and in that instance a CT scan would have been performed within days.

If you are taking a lot of painkillers for headaches, please remember they can give you headaches! Crazy, but overuse of over the counter pain killers can definitely do that.

Anyway, all the best, but please do go for the CT, don't chicken out (I don't know if you're even thinking of that so please don't be offended, but I can understand why some might) and just get it over with.

anxious elephant999
06-09-09, 16:47
Hi i asked for a ct scan a few months ago ,and got one only it wasnt a ct scan it was an MRI which the thought of freaked me out as im very claustraphobic so going inside that long tube was something i didnt want , i wanted the ct like you are having but anyway my anxiety was through the roof by the time appointment day came , i was shaking and all the rest but i still went and my sister came in the room with me and held my hand all the way through it , it wasnt nice BUT it wasnt as bad as i had percieved and it came back normal brain function , so dont chicken out can you take someone with you to keep you calm , have the CT scan and im sure it will come back ok :hugs:

06-09-09, 16:50
I wouldnt worry about your CT scan i had to have one at the start of this year and it only took two minutes the machine did seem a little loud though

07-09-09, 22:15
Hi all.
Thanks for the kind words and comfort. My scan has been postponed till tomorrow (Tues). They sent me a letter which arrived Saturday. They have also told me that they are mainly looking at the sinuses and therefore it should only take 5 minutes. This has eased some of my anxieties.
I will let you all know.
"I am a leaf on the wind"

09-09-09, 09:40
Had scan. Very quick and painless. In fact, it's an interesting experience - very Star Trek :)
Now just the wait for the results.....