View Full Version : Really worried this time-- weird hair loss

03-09-09, 17:43
I've been doing well for quite awhile, but this really has me worried. The hair on my head is fine, but I barely have any leg or underarm hair anymore! Sorry if that's gross. I used to have to shave my legs every single day, but now I have gone 3 days now without much growth at all. This change happened pretty much overnight. I feel silly going to the doctor's about this, but it has me thinking I have a serious hormone imbalance or something! Anyone ever experienced this?

I am pretty stressed right now (moved out of state last week, started new school this week, moved back in with parents after 7 years away from home, temporary separation from husband until he can move out here with me), but wouldn't stress just affect the hair on my head???

I'm so worried-- this is all I can think about


03-09-09, 18:08
My hair stopped growing when I was really poorly.

The hairdresser said it was normal.

I didn't have to shave my legs or underarms for weeks either - it was fab!

Even now it doesn't grow back as fast as it used to.

03-09-09, 19:02

Mine did when I was really poorly too, like Nic I saw it as a bonus!!!!

Are you eating properly???

My hairdersser told me to eat lots of Jelly(the sort kids have with ice cream) cos its good for your hair!!

Hope this helps a bit

Luv Kaz

04-09-09, 15:32
Nic and Kaz,

I really appreciate it--thanks! I guess I should just look on the bright side unless I get other weird symptoms. I do hate shaving!

thanks again