View Full Version : So Tired Please Help

03-09-09, 19:21
arrrgghhhh i need to scream, im so tired i don't know where to put myself, i sleep at night, well i go to bed at midnight and wake about 5am, i then have a sleep in the afternoons from 2-4.30 ish sometimes less as im so tired i cant stay awake, i feel weak, im so missrable as its getting me down, i have CFS so my doctor told me a few years ago, i dont do much all day because im so tired, i do clean the house which is spotless, i play with my nephew and cook diner but thats about it :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::w eep:

I suffer from Depression and take 225mg Venlafaxine and 10mg Buspar i also suffer from Amxiety and Health anxiety, and i have agrophobia to top it all off :doh::doh: :shrug:

Someone give me some words of wisdom, i feel like giving up so badly right now, my husband said well you do have very good days and bad days you have to take the ruff with the smooth and i know he is right, but tonight im sat he sobbing my heart out so upset about the way im feeling.

03-09-09, 23:54
i guess no one cares :(

Sorry that was rude of me

04-09-09, 00:03

Hope you don't mind me asking, but what is CFS?

04-09-09, 00:16
CFS = Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

04-09-09, 00:30

Thanks for that.

Anyway, I have never experienced CFS but I am going to provide what I recommend as my "words of wisdom"

I really am a great believer in some form of exercise being a great all rounder for general health and mental wellbeing. It encourages the body to produce it's own natural good feeling chemicals. Even the smallest amount of exercise is better than nothing and will help in the long run.

04-09-09, 00:59
Hi Cupcakes

How long have you been like this? I'm writing this now about 1am and will be going to bed in about 30mins. I like you will probably wake at about 7.30 and get up but then go back to bed for a few hours this afternoon. I can't get out of this vicious circle because I'm always tired.
Utility I agree that exercise is a good idea but if you can't motivate yourself to do it, for whatever reason, then where do you go from there?

04-09-09, 01:40
Cupcake we do care, just getting round to looking at 5 pages of new threads/posts since last night.

I too was diagnosed with CFS 3 & half years ago, you do well to do all the cleaning etc, no wonder you are so tired, I couldn't do that. I too went through a stage of not being able to stay asleep but it has mostly gone now. Our bodies go through some funny stuff at times (no kidding!)

I don't have any words of wisdom except hang on in there mate.


04-09-09, 02:52
hiya like you sleeps a thing of the past,,,i normally fall into an exhausted sleep about 3.50 / 5.00 am only to wake at 8.30 again,,,like you im worn out,,but try as i might i just cant sleep ,,,my mind whirls round ,,till i dont even try any more,,and yes it leaves worn out all day,,,but im afraid im just used to it after years of the same,,i cant sleep during the day,,never have been able too,,but it leads to some rather interesting visual happenings during the day lol

04-09-09, 06:57
Thanks everyone for your replys :) Well i went to bed at 12.30 and woke at 6.30 this morning, trying to think positive, i might even try and go for a bike ride to the end of the road and back with my husband, helps the agoraphobia to :) in a way i am exercising alot as i do house work every day as im a clean freak lol and i see my nephew he is 14 months and i run around after him, im over weight so that wont help either. Just gets me down sometimes feeling soooo tired even though i sleep. oh well the joys of being ill i guess.

Thanks so much everyone xxxx

Desprate Dan
04-09-09, 07:24
Hi Katy,

I have suffered for years with poor sleep and wake during the night maybe 5 or 6 times and get about 4 hours in all of broken sleep, i wake up so exhausted (i would love to wake up refreshed) but i always feel like i have just done a 12hr night shift, then its off to work to sit at a machine watching a few dials and lights for 9hrs i can barely keep my eye's open some days and constantly feel exhausted, then home i know i should push myself to do some sort of exercise but its so very difficult to motivate myself... I could do with someone waving a big stick at me and saying go for a run or goto the gym...

Sorry you feel so tired but your not alone..:flowers:

anxious elephant999
04-09-09, 12:49
Hi cupcakes i dont have cfs , well at least i dont think i have but i do have severe anxiety which has bought on severe depression which has desroyed me , as i have broken sleep never much more than 3 hour at a time although im in bed for 12 hours sometimes and i am so tired but cant sleep i just cat nap all night , im also agraphobic and scare to do anything ,got to go to fetch daughter from school soon with my husband but am terrified as i suffer from constant dizziness and am so scared of it getting worse when im out , i dont do much in the day only a bit of housework and i feel exhausted all the time ,:hugs: