View Full Version : Weird feeling in the back of my head again!!!

03-09-09, 21:59
Hi everyone! I'm having these weird feelings in my head again. It's at the base of my skull right above me neck. It feels heavy if you will, and sometimes I get a burning sensation. The burning sensation doesn't last very long, but the heavy feeling goes through out the day. My brain tumor/aneurysm fear is kicking in over drive. It's scaring me to death. Does anyone else get these feelings? Is it due to my anxiety? I know those of us who suffer with HA will make a mountain out of a mole hill, but I just want to be 100% sure that's what it is. I have a call into my doctor's office, but she is out of town due to Labor Day weekend. :ohmy:

Thanks ahead of time.


03-09-09, 22:15
hi amanda, i get all sorts of funny head feelings, and what you described at the base of your skull i can tell you truethfully i get this alot!! It feels heavy as if i got to look up alot, and sometimes there is a pressure feeling as if it will turn into an headache but never does, i get the burning too, almost as if ive jarred my neck and you get that hot burning feeling, like yours the burning only lasts seconds, but the pressure feeling for me can last days and sometimes longer. I have never mentioned this to my doc (keep forgetting 2!!) but im thinking it is just all anxiety as it does some very weird and wonderful things to us. But i worry about brain tumors alot so when i do get this feeling it does heighten my fear and make my anxiety worse, and even bring on a panic attack when im really bad. I just thought id let u know i get exactly the same. Hope this helps a little, take care, Debs. xx

03-09-09, 22:44
Thanks Debs. Always makes me feel better knowing that someone out there is experiencing the same symptoms I am. It's making me quite anxious today. Would love nothing more than to take a pill and make it all go away, but my husband's at work, and I have 2 little kids. The med's make me sleepy... I just wonder what causes it. I'm staying away from google. Don't want to see that I may have something horrible, which I probably don't. Dang anxiety. :D


04-09-09, 01:26
Hey hun, I used to get a lot of pressure in the back of my head...felt like it was numb sometimes,,, like there was a whole in my head....and yes u guessed it,....i thought it was a brain tumour. It really freaked me oue, especially as i was getting into bed...i had this HUGE sensation goin up my body and through my head...but soon as it reached my head it went 'numb' type of thing. Was hard 2 deal with, and apparently its anxiety. And the more i dealt with it and accepted it was anxiety its soon gone, and havent had it in a while. Dont worry, your not alone babe, Hope you get some piece of mind soon xxxx

04-09-09, 03:53
Thanks Leanne. I'm feeling much better now. Thank you! I've been trying to do what you do, and put it in the anxiety corner. I just wish it all would go away. I did good for so many years, and then all of a sudden this year, it snuck right back up on me. Atleast I know what it is this time, and it's much easier to deal with. If I have something that I can't deal with, I always come here, and it makes me feel better knowing there are other people out there like me. Sometimes my family thinks I'm crazy and laugh about my brain tumor/aneurysm fear. If they could only walk a day in our shoes, they would understand what we go through on a daily basis. Thank you soo much for your reply. Big hugs.

