View Full Version : What the ?!?!?

04-09-09, 06:39
Hi all are these eptopics ? Never suffered with heart issues but last night was watching a horror film with hubby to be. not anxious in the slighest when I got this massive thud in my chest then the weirdest nervous, anxious wave through out my body,. My heart was def missing abeat and it was soso scary my heart beat stayeD in the 90,s till I went to bed. Why did that suddenly happen when I was having a nice relaxing evening?


04-09-09, 08:01
anxiety would have kept you heart rate up like that as you fret over why and what just happened, it has probably happened to you before without you knowing, but maybe you were tense and a little scared because of the film, .

04-09-09, 08:18
Yip pink is right, you may have had them before and just never noticed.

They are harmless, but to put your mind at total rest, mention it to your GP.

I get them alot and I don't even watch horror movies ;)



04-09-09, 08:51
hi tash you are spookly the same as me my heart also missed a beat with a sort of a thud, not sure if it was a muscle twitch in my chest, but i seriously thought i was having a heart attack and it all happened last night. lol. i feel fine this morning. (apart from stressing over my hands being numb in the night buts thats a whole new thread lol) hows the cold feeling?

04-09-09, 10:11
lol rebecca, it was sooo horrible i to thought i was having a heart attack. Cold feeling is back!!! grrr i keep thinking my legs wet but its not. Doing my head in, ooo and guess what i have started to get more of?? Pins & needles typical!! x btw my left hand is always numb when i wake up as soon as i move it it wakes up :(