View Full Version : Weird black dot in vision, please help

04-09-09, 09:25
Hi all
I have this weird black mark in my vision...or more grey actually..

It's like...you know when you stare at something then look away you can still see the outline? But this dot is always there...what could it be??

04-09-09, 10:33
Hi, and welcome to nmp

Have you been to an optician, they are more likely to know what it is.

We are an anxiety forum so only really deal with anxiety related issues.

best wishes

di xx

04-09-09, 10:47
Thanks Di, I have been to one, but not recently...sorry if I posted in the wrong forum :blush:

05-09-09, 14:39
I have little dots in my vision, which are usually more noticeable when I stare at something bright. They are called floaters and are not serious. I have had them for over ten years. X

05-09-09, 14:49
They are called floaters and are harmless. Take care