View Full Version : Motivation?

17-10-05, 14:23
Hi Everyone
I am at the point now wher i cannot motivate myself to do anything or go anywhere.Everything seems like a huge struggle.My chest hurts wuite badly,i am breathless,very dizzy and im scared to move in case i have a heart attack.
I have a lot to do,but never get any of it done.I feel useless and live in constant fear of death,what will happen to my children etc etc
I feel so alone
Can anyone give me any advice.Can anyone identify with this?
Hunny x

17-10-05, 14:38
Hi Hunny

I wrote a post like that a while ago, you will not have a heart attack its just anxiety. that day i forced myself up and made myself get on and do you know it did get easier and i felt tons better, if you read Clair Weeks she tells a story of a lady who just layed on her sofa all the time to ill to get up, she set her a task of painting her fence, she thoughjt the Dr was mad but she tried and eventually found herself enjoying it and finished the lot. I know its hard hun but you must try and motivate yourself its much better than sitting worrying

Luv Barb xxxx

17-10-05, 15:27
Set yourself one small manageable task and do it. Then set another one.

You will not die , you will not collapse.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

17-10-05, 18:40
Hi Hunny,
It is very hard to get motivated, but even at my worse, i have always 'somehow' managed to do the washing and prepare a meal that type of thing, there is no-one else to do it for me, (hubby works nights and helps with shopping etc. but if we waited for him to cook we would have cheese on toast 7 nights a week. (obviously we have a takeaway one night or whatever) Start with what you can manage, getting up slowly and having a shower? Preparing a meal for dinner, doing a little washing/ironing? anything that you can rest in between doing. Things will gradually improve, i can promise, you will not have a heart attack, it would have happened by now! And it won't make any difference whether you are sitting or moving about, if you are going to have an attack it will happen anyway If you can't cope with doing something, stop, relax, watch tv anything, i do really understand what you are feeling and i know how helpless and upset you feel, it will get easier, it's just a long old job. take care and keep in touch please xxxxxxjean

17-10-05, 23:21
You need a purpose in your life to go on. Do you work and have that routine?


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

17-10-05, 23:50
Yes i work part time.I struggle to get through a day,the whole time there i am thinking,im gonna die,im gonna die.My colleagues dont know that though!!
Although some of them have seen me have a panic attack or two.
I feel really messed up,i dont know how else to explain it,my mind seems to go at a million miles an hour,always thinking the same things.
I try to do a lot sometimes,but it seems to make me worse.
Thanks for the advice everyone
Hunny x

18-10-05, 09:33

Try to change those thoughts around - I am by no means saying it is easy cos it took me a long time to do this as well.

Look at it as rationally as you can - have you died before from this (I really hope the answer is no to that one)? Has it ever made you so bad that you had to be carted off to hospital?

It feels that you are going to die but I assure you that you won't. It is just your mind working overtime and giving you such horrible thoughts.

Try to calm your mind by focusing on one thing at a time. Don't crowd it with too many thoughts.

Take each feeling and analyse it a bit - for example, "I can't breathe - I am going to die". Ok you are still breathing normally it just feels like you aren't. You are not going to suddenly stop breathing - the body won't do that it - it is set to regulate your breathing as best it can. It feels scary but you are still breathing etc etc

Don't bring too many other thoughts in as well as that will confuse things ! E.G. "I can't breathe and I am going to faint and I am having a heart attack" etc.

Take each one in turn and then explain to yourself what it means and more importantly what it DOESN'T mean.

I hope this helps a bit.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

18-10-05, 09:50
Thanks Nicola
They did take me to hospital once because i had chest pains and felt totally off the planet.Thats why i find it hard to believe its anxiety.
I dont really have panic attacks as such.I just spend the whole day tiptoeing around scared to do anything energetic because i am so aware of my chest being sore,and i dont know why its sore.

Thanks so much for your advice
Hunny x

18-10-05, 16:14
*i am thinking,im gonna die,im gonna die*

There is your first big challenge. Talk about the most extreme negative thinking possible. No wonder you feel so dreadful.

Energy follows thought

Think sad = be sad
Think scared = be scared

try , it feels uncomfortable but I know its only transient and will pass.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?