View Full Version : One fear diminishes another!

04-09-09, 14:18
I am at my wits end with this anxiety cycle its driving me crazy and making me soo upset :(

Why is it always something!! i have been obsessing for the last few months that i have cancer before that i thought i had MS now i am obsessing about the world ending in 2012 (even though i have been on Nasa's website who confirm its bull and my friend who is very much into astronamy said its not possible) but even so this has totally replaced my cancer fear which i was totally wrapped up in until the last few days.

I have has this end of world fear before but it was replaced by my cancer fear, one fear seems to diminish the other, i am never afraid of two things at once.

I keep shaking and cant think of anything else and i am at work pretending to be smiley and normal its frustrating and i just want to dissapear!!

My CBT starts in October i cant wait i cant bare anymore of this :(

Does anyone feel the same as me?

04-09-09, 14:22
Hi meg i feel the same i get over a big fear just to get another one and it drives me up the wall,this week in my mind i have had a tooth infection i am going to die off and now a brain tumour,I have cbt starting soon aswell and i hope it helps.I feel like i am in a disaster movie.tc

04-09-09, 17:51
Hi, for what it's worth the "end of the world" fear is something I have occasionally, and I think it is simply an extended form of a fear of death. It's also a major symptom of anxiety, low mood, depression or even simply stress.

Just because we have better technology does not make today's predictions of disaster any more realistic... there have been people proclaiming doom and disaster from the beginning of time. People used to dress in sack cloth and whip themselves - but these flagellants were wasting their time, because the world didn't end, so they kicked their own arses for nothing.

These days it's all "OMG an asteroid is coming" and "OMG bird/swine/human flu is coming!!" -- make sure you ignore ANY predictions of doom you see in the media, it's all crap!

There seems to be a deep-rooted need within the human psyche to look for possible disaster... I think humans simply need something to fear.