View Full Version : Fluanxol

04-09-09, 16:44

Has anyone else been given fluanxol for anxiety? I was on fluoxetine and got through the horrendous 2 week start off and had been feeling a little better. When I mentioned I'd had such a hard time the Doc put me on these fluanxol, supposedly mild tranquilisers. I seemed fine on 0.5 mg for a few days and then noticed my heart thumping out of my chest, I mentioned this to Doc who upped the dose and said that wasn't the tablets just my anxiety. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I'm due back at Doctor's next week and want to ask for beta blockers.

Can anyone offer advice?
Many thanks

claire m
04-09-09, 17:52
hi julia i was on these for a few months i had barely no side effects and found them really good i have since changed to cipralex as the doctor thought that they would be more specific to my anxieties. maybe it is your anxiety but its best to chat to your doctor xx.