View Full Version : Hi

04-09-09, 18:13
I'm a 62 year old man I've had anxiety and depression on and off for most of my life, I Don't like to take medication, I've tried to handle it with self help books, but I can't, if a stressful situation comes up, I just want to avoid it, I feel like a coward, my 20 year old daughter has more guts than me,
I'm more unhappy than happy most of the time, so I went to my Doctor and he put me on citalopram, I just want the fear to go away and let me feel like a man again, Dan

04-09-09, 19:18
Heya dan, Welcome to no more panic, ive found this site extrememly helpful and supportive, hope you do too. I truely hope more happier days come your way soon leanne :) x

04-09-09, 20:33
Hi Dan

Please don't think you are a coward. As you have said in your post you have been dealing with anxiety and depression for years now without the help of medication, in my opinion that takes a lot of guts.

I suffer from these conditions too and know how horrible and low you can feel. I have been on anti depresssants for 13 years now most of the time a low maintaining dose, but i am just going through my second reoccurance and have had to increase the dose.

I can only say for me the meds worked. Although at the moment i am going through the side effects which can in some people take a couple of weeks to wear off, it also seems that the benefits of the AD's can take a few week to kick in.

I do hope the AD's work for you as they have in the past for me. Also i found Cognitive Behavioural Therapy a great help 13 years ago, although i think i could do with a refresher course now!!!

I am sure you will get back to your old self and more.

NMP is such a good and supportive website, with lots of people in the same boat.

Wish you well.


04-09-09, 21:22
Hi Dan

Welcome to the site, I think you will find lots of good advice and support on here from people who understand how you feel.

Take care
