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View Full Version : Why do i feel like this?

17-10-05, 21:44
I have been suffering with anxiety for about 3 months and have been seeing a councellor about it.

I am nearly 22 and have 2 beautiful children and a wonderful husband, i couldn't be more happier, i keep thinking there's something wrong with me, i have been getting pains in my tummy, i think i have got cancer. I'm seeing a doctor on Friday about this, i'm sure he's going to think i'm mad but hopefully he'll be able to reassure me somehow.

I seem to take two steps forward and one step back, i try to get on with things but it's always at the back of my mind.


17-10-05, 22:46
hi gemma

your doctors sounds good to get you in to see a councilor that quick im still waiting to get an appointment and ive been waiting over a year and was told that i cant get in until jan 2006 but theres a lot of patients at my doctors surgery.

tummy pains are a side effect of anxiety unfortunatkey as i get them regularly along with all the other symptoms of anxiety and panic attacks

hope the appointment goes well with your doctor

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just finding it thats the hard part

17-10-05, 22:48
Why cancer? what makes you think that?

You have to accept that stomach problems are normal and not always cancer.


"Nearly all happiness comes into our lives through doors we don't even remember leaving open"

18-10-05, 00:54
know just how you feel gem been goin thruogh the same for a couple of years now....it does get better this site will help you its has me, im sure everythin will be ok when you see the doc. take care...cameron