View Full Version : panic attack one after another

05-09-09, 16:19
last night I had the most terrifying experiance ! I had just come back from a fantastic relaxing holiday in great yarmouth ,no night time panic attacks or anything !! well last evening around 7ish i had what I hope is a panic attack ,felt disorintated ,heart racing went very pale and very unwell , i started to do my breathing exercises ,managed to calm myself down but had a tickly sensation in my chest and felt nauceous ,couldnt catch my breath ,this went into a another panic attack and then a third ,the only way I could stop the cycle was to go and get in bed and fall asleep . Today I feel scared and depressed and worried this will occur again . Ieven phoned the emergency doctor and they asked me to go to the surgery but I calmed down and didnt want to put them out so I cancelled the appointment .Has anyone else experianced this kind of attack ,as I am worried that this isnt normal .I have had one at a time before but not consecutive attacks one after another like that .

05-09-09, 16:32
great to hear about your holiday trip going so well!!

ive had a similar experience with those kind of panic attacks, i think as long as you keep trying to do your breathing exercises every time or distraction techniques they should calm down quicker, I know its hard not to worry from my experience worrying about it happening again is more likely to bring on an attack xx

05-09-09, 16:36
Hi, I think you've just been so scared and surprised by the first panic attack than it has really made you stressed. When you are on holiday you are in different surroundings and can take an interest in what's going on around you and you feel good. Returning home brings back reality and I think this is why you have taken a bad panic attack. You will calm down again. Worrying about taking another one is making you feel stressed. If breathing exercises work for you then keep at it. Take care x

05-09-09, 18:04
Hi I had a very similar experience in Feb.THE SAME terrifying symptoms, a panic attack would wear off then roll into another & then a third one.I felt so scared & tearful & very very vulnerable afterwards. I now try to do my breathing exercises qwhen I feel the anxiety build up.It does not always stop a pa & I do get those "missed heartbeats" ectopic heartbeats which tend to send me into a panic.



05-09-09, 19:05
yes im trying my hardest not to think about last nights episode ,i know why I was so stressed the drive back to manchester from gt yarmouth was very windy and then wet on the sheffield snake pass and I was anxious driving in those conditions ,but I love to drive . I am findig that i am feeling very vunerable today and particulally because I was unable to get back into focus as quickly as normal .Its the worse one I have ever experianced even when I was in the height of my anxiety in the past

05-09-09, 19:49
Kirstie,I really feel for you.These episodes freak one out. The big thing is to stop yourself from avoiding certain places or certain activities bc you have had a panic attack whilst in that situation.It is jusy incredibly reassuring to chat to others who understand & experience the same symptoms & emotions.There is NOTHING logical about this condition.I drive myself scatty trying to figure out WHY I suffer from anxiety & panic bc I have a great homelife, live in a wonderful country, am blessed by God in so many ways yet I battle daily.


12-01-10, 15:20
blot im the same as you , i have a great home life a wonderful hubby and four great kids ,no real money problems and a nice comfortable life but yet dealing with this , since I had those attacks i posted about before ,they went away again and now its back and im having them almost daily but individual ones , and just dont get why ,its an ongoing exhausting battle .